Chapter 2: Evasion

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**Photo of Lena to the right** ---->


I had taken my sweet time going over ever inch of my living room, making sure my CDs were still aphabetized and on the correct shelf.

"Nothing's missing..."

I don't I would ever stop swooning over the sound of his voice, but I wouldn't let it effect me as I turned to look at him, with his back leaning against the door frame.

"How would you know? This is MY house, not YOURS." I spat, turning back towards the TV and checking it for any unusual marks or dents to signify someone had tried to take it.

"Lena, I promise you, everything is as it should be."

I froze that time, the gears turning in my head as I glanced back in his direction, taking a step backwards towards the kitchen door.

"Why do you know where I live?"

He smiled then, only this time it wasn't the heartwarming one he usually sent my way. Instead, this one seemed to hint at a cruel amusement at himself. "Well, you see Lena.." He purred, only this time I felt sick to my stomach at the sound, "..I've been keeping an eye on you for a while now. I had to make sure."

I took another step back, inching my way towards the back door and, hopefully, freedom.
"Make sure of what?" I kept my voice strong. He didn't need to know I was afraid, but the look in his eyes told me he already knew.

Before I could comprehend what was going on, my back was pressed against the living room wall as I was held by my upper arms, the grip firm enough to keep me in place without causing me further pain. "You're perfect, Lena. Perfect for me." 

At that point, I saw them. The glinting pair of fangs that elongated from his natural canines, and my heart raced in my chest. So I did the only hting I could think of.

I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

Normally you would think, 'That is never going to work.'

Tell that to the guy whos' eyes widened as he quickly released me, hunching over as a growl passed his lips.

I took that as an escape and darted for the back door, only making it as far as unlocking the lock before a hand gripped me at the back of the neck.

I heard him tsk as he turned me around, waving a finger in my face like I was a child.

"Now now, that isn't very nic Lena. After I went through all this trouble to get to know you beforehand. I wanted to give you a fair chance, but you didn't take kindly to my advances."

I groaned and struggled against his hand before spitting at him, "Like I'd give a psycho like you the time of day!" 

He chuckled before applying pressure to my neck, effectively causing me to pass out. The last thing I can recall was those icy blue eyes, still watching me with nothing but amusement.


The room was cold, and I pulled my blanket tighter around my shoulders, atempting to fall back asleep.

When I heard a soft chuckle, the memories of before I passed out flooded into my mind and I quickly sat up, taking in my surroundings.

The walls of the room were a deep burgundy, accented in a pale gold fleur-de-lis pattern and dark cherrywood floors that seemed to shine.

My gaze fell on the character sitting on a couch a few feet away, lounging in a bathrobe that was loosely tied. As if that was going to work on me after what he'd done.

"Where am I?!" I nearly shouted, standing up and ignoring the fact I was in lingerie that matched the curtain-drawn room. If I was wearing this, I highly doubt I had a reason to be shy. He'd seen my naked by now.

I attempted to walk towards the door, but a chain around my ankle stopped me in my tracks.

With a growl I plopped down on my bed and attempted to wrestle out of it's grasp, but to no avail.

He, however, seemed highly amused by my actions and sat back, just watching me as I struggled and snarled and almost thought of chewing my own foot off.

I went as far as my chain would allow, looking at my captor with as much malice as I could muster, "What is this place?"

Alec stood up and casually walked in my direction, arms open as he gestured to our surroundings, "This, dove, is to be your room. Do you like it?"

"Why am I here?" I hissed, pushing away the arms that were mere inches from wrapping around me. I crossed my own and turned away from him, though my daggers were still firmly pointed at his as I waited for an answer.

"All in due time.... First, there shall be a dinner for your arrival, and you will meet the others before I announce you."

As he strode towards the door, I watched him go with disgust. "Announce me as what?"

He paused, the door halfway open, before turning to me, his dazzling smile almost catching me off-guard.

"My new bride, of course."

The shutting door echoed in my chest as I sank to the floor.

Well, damn.

I was going to have to do something, and quick.

I took in my surroundings, but there was nothing to help me out of my current predicament.

I sighed, ready to flop down on admittedly comfortable bed, when suddenly the door creaked open.

I gasped inwardly, because I was looking at a woman almost identical to me.

She approached me hesitantly, twisting a lock of strawberry blonde hair around her finger as she held out her hand towards me.

A key.

I wouldn't take the time to ask; rather, I took that key and was out of my restraint before you could count to 3. Rubbing my ankle, I thought a moment before offering the key back, watching as the boxom girl started back towards the door.


When I spoke, she froze up, looking back towards me with giant, doe gray eyes. "Y-yes?"

"Who are you?"

She bit her lower lip and shook her head, instead pointing to the window. "The tree."

I glanced outside to the giant oak, but when I turned back to thank her, all I came across was nothing but a shut door. For a near-clone of me, she was a lot quieter.

Shrugging it off, I dug through the drawers and closet, looking for anything that WASN'T a negligee to wear.

Luckily, my old clothes were still here amoungst all the new ones, and I quickly pulled on sweat pants and a t-shirt, sliding my feet into tennis shoes and bolting for the closed window.

As quietly as I could manage, I opened it to the cool night air and slipped out, shutting the window behind me from the sturdy branch outside.

I scaled the tree like my life depended on it, which is probably did, before taking off, not caring which way I went, as long as it was away from that cage and being Alec's bride.

 Maybe if I had paid better attention, I would've noticed the sets of eyes that watched me after I had gotten a mile or so away through the woodlands, pale gold trained on my every move from every angle.

I had no idea what I was getting into now.


OOOH, what's going to happen next?!

Guess you'll have to wait to find out. ;D

Who could be lurking in the trees?

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