Chapter 3: The Hunt [Alec - Lena]

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**Mowanza to the right** ---->


Everything was going according to plan, despite a certain someone's attempt to change things.

Given proper punishment, of course, I walked into the room that Lena had previously taken. A deep breath told me that she had been here, as it still smelled of her. A soft scent that reminded me of the beach and sunshine. 

A low whistle from my lips and I could almost hear the thundering of paws against floorboards as she answered my call, stopping at the doorway with a soft 'woof', not that I needed to know she was there.

"Anza..." I turned to face her and she was waiting, mismatched eyes trained on my face without emotion and standing alert as she awaited my order.

I adored her for that, but giant wolves weren't to my taste. She knew that; I knew that.

"She's with your pack by now. I need you to vouch for her."

The soft huff I heard made a smirk cross my face. Anza didn't like the girls who took my company.

I quickly shook my head, "Just keep her alive, Anza. I do plan on getting her back soon enough, and not as a dead body. Understand?"

Without another sound, the dark grey and white wolf bounded towards the window, glancing once in my direction before jumping out, a blur as she raced into the woods, following the scent of my little Lena.

I would have her back here. So I could sink my fangs into her neck, as fate had decided.

I had only to wait.


[[ Lena ]]

Son of a-

No sooner was I away from crazy Alec, I was surrounded by wolves. And not just normal sized wolves, oh no. These suckers are HUGE.

One took a step forward, eliciting a growl from the lot of them, and I held my ground. Looking around for a weapon, I came across a large stick and held it up, "Back off! Shoo!"

One wolf to my left, a sandy color, huffed. Almost as if he were laughing at me and I shot him a glare.

The largest wolf tossed his head to the side, pointing, while two of the wolves ran into the cover of the trees. One seemed to be holding clothes, and I almost laughed myself. That couldn't be any weirder.

That is, until two fully fleshed human beings stepped out from where the wolves had gone, dressed in jeans. One of them held out his hands  towards me, as if he were ready to grab me if I ran, while the other spoke, "What are you doing in our territory? You should know the penal-"

He stopped talking right away and turned his gaze towards the largest wolf, a very noticable blush forming on his cheeks that set off the red that tinted his hair. The other guy who had taken up a stance quickly seemed to relax, running a hair through his own dark brown locks with a sigh, a simpathetic crossing his face, "Sorry lady, we're not used to outside company. You wouldnt mind coming back with us, right?"

My eyes widened. So first I'm about to be beaten up, and now they were taking me prisoner too? I groaned, frustrated, but I wouldn't risk my limbs. There were still a few wolves standing around, about 4-5 at my guess, and they looked at me and me only. Might as well give myself up.

I held my hands in the air dramatically, "Oh fine. Not like I can outrun your dogs anyway."

The growl emitted from more than one throat made me stiffen, but the two boys in front of me chuckled it off before walking away.

Well, I should say the taller walked away. The smaller of the two who had blushed earlier walked towards me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "So what's your name anyway, Miss person?"

I smirked, "Miss person? ....It's Lena." I gave him a once-over and smiled, "And I might be older than you, but don't ever call me 'Miss', it's weird."

He shrugged, his grin infectious, as he spoke, "Well Lena, you can call me Richard, or Richie, or Dukes; they're all fine. And you might feel a little overwhelmed right now, but there's more girls than guys at home, where we're going. You can take turns picking on us like they do."

My face dropped, "Oh great, this means I have to learn about shopping and shoes. Can I just skip the girl talk and go right to the fridge? I'm starving."

The laughter that erupted from not only the boys, but the wolves as well had me loosening up.


When I had first arrived at the houses of the boys, I had been looked on with suspicion. People would hurry their children into their houses and look out the windows, and I was starting to think that maybe these boys and their wolves were the local gang.

I was quickly proven wrong.

Not 10 minutes later, I was seating in a plush living room surrounded by 6-8 people, and Richard wasn't kidding when he said they were mostly girls.

I had been graciously introduced to most of them: Ashley, to my left, with a dirty blonde length of hair that I would never be able to manage.

Carolyn, sitting across from Ashley, was laughing at something Richard has said, a basket of yarn next to her on the loveseat as she worked on what I could only assume to be the most colorful scarf I had ever seen in my lifetime. I was half tempted to just reach over and touch it.

Mowanza was a girl who sat to my right, but she seemed the least enthusiastic to meet me. She was unusual, with short, dark hair and a mismatched pair of eyes. One was as gray as a storm, but the other was a brilliant shade of gold; both of which looked at me more like a bug than a human being.

The darker haired guy from earlier had been revealed as Devin, and he was just as withdrawn as Anza, though at least he was prone to ask me a question from time to time.

One man, however, had me on my toes if he so much as coughed from his place behind me. I couldn't put my finger on it, but it seemed to me he was ready to tear off any fingers that so much as pointed in my direction, and it weirded me out.

Almost as weird as Alec.

While everyone seemed to be discussing my story of kidnap, which they'd made me go into extreme detail [Richard at one point teasingly tried to make me admit to having slept with Alec, despite my denial.] I glanced up at my new keeper.

He was leanly built, with a scar running from just above the far end of his eyebrow, over the outer crease of his eye, and stopping short of his cheek. This in no way, however, made him unattractive. Sure, Alec may have been gorgeous, but this guy was attractive in a more natural way. 

His hair was dark, almost black, and the eyes just beneath his almost-overly grown bangs were a warm chestnut color, and I had the faintest feeling I had seen both before, and recently. But I just couldn't put my finger on it.

At that moment, while everyone was admist their gossiping of how I seduced Alec with my body and knocked him out, an older woman emerged from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron.

"So who's ready for dinner?"

My stomach protested before I could.

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