Chapter 3

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"I dont believe you" i hear Ashton say behind me, i turn around to see Shara nodding her head yes and shrugging her shoulders. I tilt my head to the side, curious about what theyre talking about. "Can she really fit her fist in her mouth?" Ashton asks me, his face holding debelief, i roll my eyes. "Not this again" i shove her and she almost falls out of her chair, me and the boys laugh, she narrows her eyes at me but fails at being mad and laughs. "Well? Can she?" he asks me again, "Yep, its cool but still disgusting" i tell him, his eyes go wide and i turn around to see Luke's mouth open and hes gaspsing. "Dramatic" i say and smirk to myself, crossing my legs in my chair and doodling on a corner of the paper in Lukes notebook, i draw a happy sun and a little puppy and a unicorn and a rainbow and other girly shit, "Picaso" Luke says over my shoulder, i nod my head and attempt to draw a fairy and a flower, i end up scribbling her out and writing RIP next to her and the flower. Luke wipes his eyes, "She was so young" he sobs. "Yeah... oh well" i laugh, he takes his notebook back and sticks his tongue out at me. Its nice to not feel horribley scared by someone, especially after so long. I never knew i missed this feeling so much. By the time the bell rings, we have written down about 6 or so moods/emotions. 'Betrayal. Truth. Joy. Revenge. Shock. and Comfort' i cant help but think how much this relates to my life. My old life my subconcious corrects me. I grab my things and hand Luke his notebook back. "Hey, uh, do you wanna maybe work on this sometime this weekend?" he asks me, rubbing the back of his neck, he looks nervous. Almost worried about my answer. "Um, yeah. Sure" i try to smile, but im sure i failed. Relief fills his face and i cant help to wonder why he would be so nervous. We exchange numbers and he waves me off and heads to his next class.

The rest of the day drags on, each class going slower and slower. We have lunch earlier than lunch should be, so by the end of the day, im always starving. The final bell rings for the day, and i jump out of my seat and rush to the door. I swing it open and grab everything from my locker. I find Shara talking to Ashton and find out theyre doing the same thing me and Luke did. "I'll see you then!" I hear Ashton calls to her as he heads down the hall, i see him run to Michael and jump on his back before they all head out of the school. "Ready?" Shara asks "Yeah. Can we stop somewhere and get something to eat?" i ask her and put on a puppy dog face. "I swear Carley, youre going to drive me bankrupt with us stopping to get food" she says, trying to be serious. "I know" i chirp "But you love me anyway" i skip, "I wouldnt use the word love" she jokes. We get to her car and she unlocks it, i hop in and throw my bookbag in the back seat, "So where do you wanna go to eat?" she asks me as she turns the key, starting the car. "Hm, mexican?" i offer, she scunches up her nose, "All american burgers?" i ask, she shakes her head no. "Chinese?" i say, running out of options. "Finally" she says, her and her chinese food. We pull out of the parking lot and drive down the road to the Chinese resteraunt, once we get there she parks next to a dark blue truck, my door almost hits it. "Why the fuck do you always park so close?" i ask her, i manage to squeeze through and walk up to the sidewalk. "Dunno" she says. The car beeps and i jump, "God, that always scares me" i say as Shara joins me on the sidewalk, she holds up her keys "No one expects the keys to be such a deadly weapon" she shoves them in her pocket and we walk inside. The hostess leads us to a booth and we order our drinks. "So how did you and Ashton get on the subject of you putting your fist inside your mouth anyway?" i ask and take a sip of my soda. "You know how English is" she winks "No. No i dont" i say, we laugh. "So hows working with Luke going?" she asks me. Trust me, ive been thinking about it. Hes nice, and he isnt rude like a lot of other guys. Hes not pushy either, so its nice that he doesnt force his ideas over mine. And i can tell he knows somethings up, he mentioned how he never met a girl as quiet as me. When i gave him a questioning look, he said that that wasnt bad. "Its good" is all i say and take another sip of my drink. I know Shara knows theres more to it, but she leaves it anyway.

I end up ordering a bit of everything, sweet and sour chicken, seseme chicken, fried rice, dumplings. After we finish eating, Shara pays, commenting on how i need to pay one day. I roll my eyes and smile. "Carley? Shara?" i hear someone with an accent call out behind us, i spin around to see the four boys. "Hey" me and Shara say at the same time, "Oops" i say and i know im blushing, Luke flashes me a sweet smile walks up to me, Calum follows behind him, he holds out his hand for me to shake, when i dont at first he looks a little hurt. "Sorry, i uh, i just..." i stutter and reach my hand out, he takes it and we shake hands "No, its all good" he tells me, i meet Michael and hes really funny, we talk for a bit. Turns out Calum and Michael are working with two of the popular/jock girls, i hate them both. Alexis and Riley, "Trust me, we hate it too." Michael says "Theyre so stupid" Calum chimes in. We laugh and say our goodbyes.

Its around 5 in the afternoon when Shara drops me off at my house, when i get inside, my moms on the phone. She whispers to me that its her sister, "Oh" i reply and head upstairs. I pull out my books, i dont get one page done before my phone buzzes, its from Luke. 'Hey :) How does afterschool on Friday sound for working on the project?' i reply telling him thats fine. He sends a thumbs up emoji and i smile, i finish homework and go to take a shower, i hiss in shock when i step into the shower, the waters a lot hotter than i meant for it to be. After thats done, i get out and brush my teeth. I sift through my drawers, settling on a fair of sweatpants and a tanktop for pajamas. I check my phone once more, before setting my alarm and drifting to sleep. I dream of Luke beating up Jonah.

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