Chapter 27

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I close the hotel room's door and as soon as I hear the click I'm speed walking down the hall. Trying to put as much distance I can between me and Luke. I stomp into the elevator and wait as patiently as I can for the doors to slide shut. I have so many emotions running through my body right now I don't even know where to start to think about them. 

On one hand I'm beyond pissed that Luke waited this long to tell me all this and his side of the whole situation. But at the same time I'm glad he came clean and told me face-to-face. He wanted to make things right with me and I can tell he's willing to work. But for fucks sake he cheated! 

I wanted to slap him when he touched my cheek.. then again I wanted to kiss him but I still wanted to slap him. I press the small button on the silver panel idicating I want to go to the lobby. What would he have done if I just had broken down and started wailing. Full on sobbing. Would he have cuddled into me like he normally does when I cry? Would he even show emotion? Of course he would! I mean he rubbed the few tears that rolled down my cheeks didn't he? That has to count for something. 

It takes a few seconds for my brain to catch up with the rest of my body. I realize I'm out of the elevator and pulling open the front door of the hotel. I stride through the parking lot and try opening my car door but I realize that I'd forgotten my keys.. along with anything really. I scan the area and look across the road to see a few shops. I wait at the cross walk before I try to maneuver my way through on coming traffic. 

Once the light changes to a little green person I walk quickly to get to the other side and start heading left of the hotel. I look in some of the store's windows to see what they have on sale but nothing interests me enough to want to go and look at it more. Quite a few people are out and about doing random tasks. Getting food, buying things, driving and walking places, reading the paper. Then I finally realize that it's noon or a little past that. I smile a little to myself for not even realizing this is a time when people go and do stuff. 

After walking a few blocks my feet hurt and a small park comes into view. I walk through the wide gate and see that the last little kids are their parents are leaving, probably going to go eat or something. I make my way over to the swings and sit in the middle one of the three. 

They're exteremly small and it hurts my butt and hips to try and squeeze in. I manage though and use my toes to press into the dirt and move the swing back and forth a little bit. Speed isn't what I'm looking to achieve, I just want to do something else other than walk so I can give my feet a break. 

I lean my head on the metal chain of the swing and continue to move around, not in any particular direction. I let out a long, rather loud sigh. My eyes drift close and I listen to the sounds of the small city and it's busy citizens. 


It doesn't take me long to start running after Carley. I pull out my phone and press call but then I realize she left with nothing in her hands or pockets. My right foot is fidgety as I wait for the elevator to come up. The doors finally open and I see Madrid standing there with a bottle of water and a small bag of chips. "Hey Luke! Where's carley?" he asks as he steps out and I step in. "Don't know" I snap and press the lobby button. "Oh, do you want me to come?" he asks, stepping forward. "No Macaroni! Damnit." I say and the doors slide shut. 

"My names Mar-" I hear him try to say but I shout that I don't give a shit. The ride to the lobby seems to take years and once I finally reach my destination I sprint out the doors and look around. Her car's still here even though I have no idea how she would go anywhere in it. Because, I doubt Carley knows how to fucking hotwire a vehicle. 

I cross the road and spend a few seconds debating which way to go. My feet start moving though I don't remember picking to go left. I continue on anyway, jogging down the sidewalk. I pull my lip ring between my lips due to stress in my attempt to find Carley. God I've screwed up so bad. I regret it all! But I know Carley won't come around that easily. This is going to take time. But I could give less of a shit, as long as I get her back. 

She's the best thing that's ever fucking happened to me. Other than 5SOS but that's not the point! Little kids with their moms are walking around with McDonalds cups, old men walking their dogs and couples holding hands. I look away from the couples though because every time I see them it makes me mad that that's not me and Carley. 

I've been jogging for about 10 minutes when I come to a little area with a stone path and a playground. I rest my hands on the top of my head as I look around the area. And that's when I see them. My chest tightens so much that it I can't get a breath out. I let out a small choking sound and continue to stare, unable to move. 

Carley and some guy I don't even know are sitting on the swings, talking and laughing. My anger flares up as Carley tilts her head back, giggling at something. I stride over to the two of them. Carley's face is full of shock. "Luke!" she says, her voice coming out high pitched. "Who the hell is this?" I ask, towering over them. The other guy stands up and it becomes very clear I have a major height advantage. Something else becomes very apparent and that was the man's age. 

He looked to be more around like 40 or something rather than 18. My eyes go wide and the man smiles. "Relax, son." he says and my shoulders slump down. I was ready to punch this guy no more than 5 seconds ago. "Who are you?" I say, loudly. Carley is sitting in a swing, looking at the ground. "Stewert," he says and holds out his hand for me to shake. I take it slowly and we shake hands. "I brought my son here. He's on the see-saw with his friend." I turn and sure enough I see two little boys laughing their heads off, bobbing up and down on the metal see-saw. 

"Luke," I say as I turn back to face him. He nods and smiles at me. "I was talking with her," he motions to Carley, who still isn't looking at me. "You must be the Luke she meant, I'm guessing" he looks me up and down with his grey eyes. I nod. "Son, what you did was flat out shitty." I hear Carley snort next to us and it makes me smile. I look back to him and notice he was studying me and Carley. I raise an eyebrow. "You two aren't meant to be apart." he says and rubs Carley on her back. Despite his age and his father status, I still tense up with someone else touching her. She's mine. 

Carley smiles at Stewert and he leaves us, stomping off to the two boys on the see-saw. I bend down on my knees infront of Carley's swing and catch the chains, stopping her from moving back and forth. Her head's turned to the side and I sigh. "Baby," I whisper. "He was right." she says suddenly. She turns to me and our eyes lock. "We aren't meant to be apart, Luke. But that doesn't mean cheating is in order. I know me trying to make you jealous with Marcus was wrong and I know that. But-"I cut her off. "I know. You don't have to say her name. I fucked up. And I know how much I hurt you. Carley, I'm not going to do that again. Or anything near that." I say, praying she'll have me back. 

We stare at each other for what seems an eternity but I don't care because I love her face and I'll stare at it forever. Her hand reaches out and tugs at my hair which is spiked up in the front, as t usually is. "Baby," I mumble and close my eyes, resting my head on her lap. "Hm?" she says quietly. "I love you. I love you so fucking much." I admit. I don't realize it but when Carley pulls my head up and wipes under my eye, a few tears must have fallen. "I love you too, Luke." she says barley audible and kisses me lightly on the cheek. I can't help it but I grin an extra wide grin at her, causing her to giggle. 

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