Chapter 23

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AUTHORS NOTE: I don't know if the youtube link worked but if it did I feel like parts of Amnesia are good for these last few chapters and the drama that's going on right now idk. Luke's part at 2:03 is my FAVORITE PART HIS RASPY VOICE OMG 

"You're positive you didn't miss the turn?" I ask, paranoid at this point. "I'm positive." Marco says, shaking his head as we drive down the freeway on our way to Virginia. We've been driving for hours and I don't want to mess up and have to drive any extra. Me and Marco have talked about the plan and we've decided to either meet up with Luke and the boys and act like a couple in front of them or have just Luke see us and Marco kiss me. And as the minutes tick by and the more time I spend with Marco I kind of want it to be the second one. 

Don't get me wrong I still most definitely have feelings for Luke and I think I always will but if Luke is into Melanie and wants us to be over then from how me and Marco are acting then I might just try and get together with him. Marco even admitted he wasn't seeing anyone. But, he did move on from the subject rather quickly. 

"Do you want to stop anywhere and get something to eat?" he asks me, turning his head to me. "Sure, what places are coming up?" I ask and look out the window of his car. It's just a black truck but the inside is huge and it's a cream color with leather seats. "The sign said there was a McDonalds and I think a Taco Bell or something like that." he says, eyes back and focused on the road. "Taco Bell" I say and prop my feet up on the dash board. 

"Are you sure you want to do this? Maybe you could just talk to him about it." Marco suddenly says, his cheeks are slightly pink. "No, I want to do this. Not only did he do something with another girl but he then lied about it to me." I huff. "I'll talk to him about it later." I add and pick at a string that's fraying from my sweatpants. I turn the air conditioning higher as the humidity outside is through the roof. "Let's try not and freeze, yeah?" Marco laughs slighly and I can't help but wonder why he would be so awkward. Maybe he's starting to have feelings for me too. 

After a few quiet minutes of driving we pull off and into the drive-thru part of a Taco Bell somewhere near the border of North Carolina and Virginia. "What do you want?" Marco asks as soon as we stop the truck. "Their nacho, plate, thing. I don't know what it's called," I blush slightly and he snickers at me. "Drink?" he asks and I hear the electronic voice of the lady taking our order. "Pepsi I guess." I say, rushed because I was put on the spot. Despite the fact it was only for a drink. 

"Is that all?" the voice buzzes. "Yes." Marco says quickly. "$15.70 is your total, pull up to the next wind-" Marco drives forward and stops again. I raise an eyebrow at him. "I'm American, I know how drive-thrus work she doesn't need to tell me." he says and I laugh. The little window opens and the lady who took our order looks to be around 40 and she has her dark hair braided back. Despite her age she's pretty. She smiles and takes our money in exchange for our food. We thank her and head back onto the highway. 

As I'm eating my mind flickers through all of the ways that this whole thing could end. Every way I think of, there's always a piece of me, a rather large piece at that, that wants to stay with Luke despite what he did. And there's also another large piece of me that wants Melanie to move to Antarctica forever. Me and Luke have been through too much I think to just up and break up. I don't want to leave all of our memories and experiences behind, especially after he's helped me through so much. 

I must have been thinking for awhile and not realized that I had fallen asleep because the next thing I know Marco is shaking me and telling to get up. "Why?" is all I manage to say. "Because," Marco stifles a laugh, "we're here. We're at the hotel so get up so we can get you in a bed." he says and I feel him reach over and unbuckle my seatbelt. Goosebumps raise on my skin as I feel his large hand brush the skin on my arm. "You okay?" he asks as I hop out of the large truck. I nod and I try to grab my bag from him. "No, it's fine. I got it." he smiles and I pout a little, closing the truck door behind me. Marco locks it and we walk towards the doors of the hotel. It's big, I'll say that. Marco had argued with me over the bill and we ended up deciding to split it when it was time to pay. 

The ride in the elevator is quiet and only the slightest bit awkward but it's not unbearable. The doors open and we walk down the hall a little bit. I turn to the right and pull out the small card, holding it up to the censor, causing the door to unlock and I walk inside. Marco hands me my bag and we say our goodnights and goodbyes and I close the door. We had decided to get seperate rooms, even though they're right beside each other, because in the morning and when we are getting ready we had figured we each would need a lot of space. Plus I was still a little bit hesitent due to the fact that I'm not quite sure what me and Luke are at this point. 

I throw my duffle bag near the end of the bed and kick my shoes off. I slide into the bed and lay my face down on one of the pillows and breathe in the cheap smelling laundry detergent the hotel uses. My phone buzzes and I ignore it. My mom has been constantly calling me, trying to get ahold of me. Most likely to yell at me for both punching Melanie and also to complain that I messed up a visit that she had been planning for "oh so long now." She even gave Mrs.Anderson my number so the phone's speakers are bound to blow with the consistent noise erupting from them. But it only continues to chime and ding and buzz and make irritating noises. 

"For shits sake." I mumble and bend down to my bag, unzipping one of the pockets, taking out my phone. I have four missed calls. Three from my mom and one from Mrs.Anderson. I have two unread text messages. The first one is from a number I don't recongnize. I open it up and read the message, "Stephanie, we need to go get froyo. Text me back betch." I laugh at the message and text back, saying that whoever it is has the wrong number. I open the next one which is from Luke. A sharp sting spirals through my heart as I read over Luke's name on my phone and his message. 

"I heard you were here in Virginia for the concert. It means a lot you came, babe. But, we need to talk. Call me as soon as you get this. x" 

We need to talk. We need to talk. We need to talk. We need to talk. 

Those four words bounce around in my head like the worlds angriest wasp and I quickly hit reply. 

"Talk about what?" 

I hit send and wait for his response. Hours pass and there is no reply. I end up dozing off only to wake up to a ding from my phone. I'm too tired at this point to open it so I just leave it and I quickly fall back asleep. I dream of Luke rambling about random things and him repeating that we need to talk

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