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- Chapter two

You had spend a few days in bed and he would come by every now and then with food and drinks for you. He then would ask you how you were feeling and what he could do to help you. He was still a stranger to you and yet you tried your best to warm up to your host and the one is ever so eager for you to get better. Curiosity striked from inside of you, you wanted to know what was behind your doors. Better yet you ached to see behind were you have been in for so long.

You picked yourself up from off of the bed and walked slowly out of the door. Instantly the smell of death flew into your face and you couldin't help but almost gag. It was still nothing like a rotting body smell but more of like an old dusty smell that you could best describe as death.

All around you saw all these gargoils on the wall along with several candels and more paintings of the moon setting on a lake. You gasped when Kylo stepped right infront of you out of nowere. He staired at you expressionless and you looked up quiet frightend. "I see your well enough to move about,"

He finally said something while you just tried to force some kind of an answer out of yourself before your eyes trailed over to his lipsthat were laced in red, and all over his outfit had small blood stains on it. You gasped at fist and said, "What happend? You're coverd in blood! Are you hurt?!" You asked almost reaching out.

It seemed that this man never made anything seem as if he was breathing at all. He must have been breathing quetly. "I was looking after you a while ago, it must have not washed out," You knew that it was freash and you passed him and walked down the hall and horror slipped through your body as the walls had bloody finger prints placed up and down and across. You sped up your pace a bit and walked into the kitchen and saw a ton of victems with their bodys cut in all different places. "-.." You couldin't speak. You were in a room with a phyco and you were next. Somthing gripped your wrists from behind and you were forced agenst the wall. You felt the murders body pressed up agenst yours.

"You weren't supposed to find out this way," He brushed a bit of hair out of your face,"I'm the killer and I did this to you. I'm the vampire your town had been ever to eger to find. I don't eat, I rarely sleep and I would have killed you and dragged your body here to davour you but-" You could feel him pushing you harder and clasping a hand onto the side of your neck and holding it, "Something stopped me. You aren't prey like all these men and woman I have killed in the past. You are more." You body stiffened up and you tried to wriggle free but he was far to strong. "I will personally slit your throat if you tell a soul about me, " He let go and faced you.

You couldn't believe what you heard. This can't be happening! You wanted this all to be a dream or something else but it wasn't, "Bit if you are really what you say you are then- why have you slashed me and not just sink your teeth into me?" You asked. Although it was a dark question you had to knew even if it was at the coast of your life.

"I slash my victims. I prefer not to use my teeth at all, you were lucky that I didn't or you would have been beging for death at my hand." You quietly thought of a way out and meny things passed through you head, "You're not going anywere miss (Y,N). Until I know I can trust you, you will stay here and remain as my company," He quickly passed by you and walked down the hall. You were alone to think over what had just happend. All the bodies seemed as if they went through everything to be brought here and now you were face to face with a vampire. One that you never belived to be true was the one who saved your life...

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