⌜peter ban⌟

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It's hard to remember the people we used to be.

Peter Pan could only look around the compound Marcel stayed at, following Klaus' lead as he wondered how many mindless fools were around, seeing as he had met quite a few of them. Before killing them that is.

"So, you used to live here?" Pan spoke as he looked around, "Thought it would be more... blood and corpse filled."

"Will you shut up?!" Klaus whispered harshly at the boy who simply gave him a smirk.

He made sure to use his magic to hear whatever anyone was hearing, his hearing being heightened by his magic. He heard Marcel and one of his followers talk about the killings both he and Rebekah had caused as they neared them.

"One thing—I sent four nightwalkers to look into a werewolf sighting in the Quarter. I haven't heard from them since. And you told me that she sensed magic around there too, but we couldn't find a lead on any of it." Marcel's follower, one of his most loyal ones, Thierry told his leader.

"That makes ten dead nightwalkers in the last week. You think the werewolves are back in town trying to start some trouble, maybe even have a few witches helping them?" Marcel asked the vampire.

Thierry hesitated as he voiced out the words, "Look, I know you and Klaus are friends, but the fact is, since the Originals showed up—"

Before Thierry could continue, Pan and Klaus arrived and entered the room, interrupting him from speaking any further.

"Oh, come now, Thierry. You're not still upset about that little, toxic werewolf bite I gave you, are you? I thought we were at bygones." Klaus stated innocently as Pan smirked, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.

Thierry turned to Marcel in annoyance and spoke, "I see you've given him free rein of your compound now, too. And I see he brought his young friend too."

"Yes. Well, seeing as my family and I lived here—built the place, in fact—" Klaus was cut off before his rage could overcome him.

"All right. Come on." Marcel said, trying to calm the two down, "You both know the drill. Thierry's my guy, inner circle. Klaus is my old-time friend and sire. He's also a guest here. Peace, all right? All right." Marcel confirmed before he turned to Klaus, "What you need, my brother? And who's you're friend?"

Klaus sighed before Pan pushed himself off the wall, "My name is Pan and my ear have bled from the incessant whining of Klaus' sister, Rebekah, who is insisting that Klaus demands Elijah's return. She's quite worked up about it and I am fed up with her."

Marcel grinned at the boy's annoyed expression, "I like you, kid."

Pan rolled his eyes at the dark skinned man, he didn't need his approval or anything the vampire had to offer him, he could kill him as easy as he killed every other being he had killed.

"We're not gonna have three Originals walking around town, are we? Half our guys think the sister killed the night walkers, and I have another theory in mind." Thierry said in a bitter voice, not even being discrete as he eyed Pan with accusing eyes.

"Is that an accusation against an Original?" Klaus asked the vampire coldly as he stepped forward, causing the boy behind him to move his head so he could see as Thierry shrugged his shoulders, "Eh."

Klaus stormed at Thierry, who looks to be ready for the confrontation, but Marcel quickly intervened before they could cause harm to them and potentially have one of them get killed. And they all knew Klaus wasn't going to be the one to die.

"What did I say about peace?" Marcel asked his loyal follower before he turned to Klaus, "Come on. Walk with me."

Klaus smiles smugly at Thierry as Marcel steered him out of the room and onto the balcony overlooking the courtyard, leaving Thierry and Pan in a room together.

"Tell me, kid, what really happened?" Thierry asked the Lost Boy in a threatening voice as Pan paid him no mind before he turned to the vampire, a bored look on his features.

"Do you honestly believe that I would tell you anything with that pathetic excuse of a threat?" Pan questioned the vampire, a snarl making its way to his face.

Thierry sped to the boy with his vampire speed and glared at him menacingly, "What happened that night, kid?" He tried to compel the boy.

Pan pretended to be in a daze before he burst out laughing, he looked at the vampire, a smile gracing his features that disappeared in an instant. He grabbed the collar of Thierry's vest, pushing him against the wall he was previously leaning against.

"Let me tell you something, Thierry." Pan said his name with a kind of venom that would even cause Klaus to flinch in fear, "The next time you try to compel me, you won't need to worry about the Originals."

Pan shoved Thierry against the wall again, glaring at him with an intensity before he left the room, going to find Klaus so he could let out his rage.


Pan sat at the bar he had entered the first day he had gotten to the town, few candles lit around as he sat in the handmade hammock, his hands between his knees and intertwined together. His eyebrows were furrowed together as he thought about his plans for the city before his thoughts were interrupted by a certain blonde bartender.

"Hey, you back for the gumbo, Pan?" Cami asked the young boy as he glanced at her.

Pan gave her a smirk, "Well, I was just planning on speaking to you, but the gumbo was good, so I might take you up on that offer."

"To me? Why?" Cami seemed genuinely stunned at his words as she stopped cleaning the glass that she gripped in her hands.

"I enjoyed the talk we had shared last time I was here and I was hoping I could talk to you again." Pan revealed, resting his intertwined hands on the counter.

"Okay, what do you wanna talk about?"

"When I was younger, all I wanted was for my mother to be happy, you see my father left us so of course, I wanted to be a better son. And..." He trailed off, "I was. I was the best son. I looked after her, helped her, but a tragedy happened and she is no longer with us."

Cami gave the boy a sympathetic look, but he didn't give her time to speak before he continued, "But I came here to continue with pursuing my desires, just like she had always told me and I am close to accomplishing it. People always believe that I am the villain, that I should be stopped. But, what people never realize is that there is no evil, just as there is no good. It's all a matter of perspective. I do what I must to survive, even if sometimes I do it just to be powerful, but the only way to see if someone is evil, is if you think they aren't your perspective of good."

Cami gave the boy a smile and he looked at her with interest with what she was about to say, "You really do have an interesting argument there. But, from what I believe, no one is truly evil, unless they don't care if they hurt the people they love. But sometimes, the people who are evil are the ones who are hurt the most. The ones who are—"

"Lost." Pan said, continuing for her as he glanced at her, giving her a smirk as he raised an eyebrow, "It's a good thing I relish in the fact that I truly am lost. Maybe you should admit to yourself that you are lost too, Cami."

With that, Pan stood up and walked away from the woman who stared at him with a stunned look on her face while Pan smirked as he exited the place.

Peter Pan ◦ The OriginalsWhere stories live. Discover now