⌜peter span⌟

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❝ Thank God I didn't look like what I've been through.❞

Peter Pan wore a black suit with a black dress shirt and tie, walking around the compound of the abattoir. Acrobats performed, dancers handled exotic animals, and confetti fell glittering upon the party guests. He had arrived before the Mikaelsons so he could get better knowledge of Marcel and his vampires.

He had found out that Marcel cared very dearly to the witch he had visited in the morning, Davina Claire. He also found out that his secret weapon was non other than the witch herself. She was powerful, he felt that when he entered the city. And it was all because of some ritual.

He looked around, narrowing his eyes at every person. He could suddenly feel dark power, as if calling out to him. He suddenly realized what it was and it caused to look up at where he could sense it. As he sneakily made his way from one room to the other, he finally found the room undetected.

But he thought wrong when he was suddenly pushed against the wall by his collar. He looked to see that it was none other than Thierry, veins protruding from under his eyes and fangs bared.

"I knew you were trouble the minute you walked in with that hybrid. Now tell me, what the hell did he order you to do?"

Pan simply raised his eyebrow at the vampire. "If you honestly think that that mutt has any power over me, you are sourly mistaken." His voice was full of venom but his words were spoken calmly. "Now get your bloody hands off me before I rip them off."

Thierry glared at him, his face returning to its usual state before he pushed himself away from the teenager angrily.

"And since you've seen too much I'm afraid I will need to use my magic to erase your mind of today's events." Pan said with a smirk, using his magic to close the door the vampire was walking toward.

Thierry turned toward him with a smirk of his own. "Hmm, you're a witch. Should've guessed. You know, even if you manage to slip out of my fingers, Marcel will find out about your magic."

"Oh, you are wrong on both terms. I am not a witch. You see, I'm actually what you would call a fairytale. And Marcellus will not find out. I am more powerful than his little Harvest witch. I've been using magic the entire time I have come to this city and yet, here I am." Pan told him, holding his arms out as if to prove a point. "And I can't have you or anyone knowing of my plans yet."

After Pan had used his powers on the vampire and erased his mind, he walked out of the room and down the stairs, fixing his suit jacket and smoothing down the wrinkles as he looked down at his hand, Pandora's box and a ring in his grasp. He smirked and shoved the box and ring into his pocket, looking around. He saw Klaus and Rebekah walk into the compound with their arms linked. Rebekah wore a black cocktail dress and Klaus wore almost exactly what Pan wore.

Peter Pan ◦ The OriginalsWhere stories live. Discover now