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Today's our day off and we don't know what to do without Seungkwan everything seemed dull. The once boisterous trio (Seokmin, Seungkwan, and Soonyoung) is gone leaving the whole dorm feel empty.

I stared at Hansol as he watched the volleyball game on TV ... The one that Seungkwan watches ... "Hansol-ah" "Hyung" "why are you watching that?" He stared at me then at the TV he blinked then switched to another channel "I guess I just got used to watching it with Seungkwan"

"Where are they?" Seungcheol suddenly asked me and I stared at him "who?" "Jeonghan and Mingyu" "I heard that the both of them went to the police headquarters looking for updates" I nodded and checked my watch "It's already 7 o'clock though" "Do you want me to call them?" "sure"

He grabbed his phone and dialed Mingyu's number "yoboseyo" "Mingyu-ya where are you right now?" "I'm looking for Jeonghan Hyung" "huh? where is he?" "I don't know he suddenly disappeared while we were eating. He told me that he was going to the restroom but he didn't come back"

I felt my blood run cold in my veins as I remembered Jeonghan's words yesterday. Someone was following him. Stalking him. What if the killer indeed comes back? and what if Jeonghan's his next target?

I grabbed the phone from Seungcheol's hands "Look for him! What the hell are you doing?!" "Hyung, why are you-" "Just look for him!" Seungcheol shot me a shocked look "what's up with that reaction? Is he in danger?" I ignored his comment as I gnawed on my lower lip. No, I can't lose another friend just because of this murderer.

"Hyung, his handphone's out of coverage area" "Mingyu-" The door opened and I stared at Jeonghan as relief flooded me. I handed the phone to Seungcheol and pushed Jeonghan, annoyed.

"Why did you leave Mingyu alone? Do you even know how worried I was?!" Jeonghan blinked and patted my shoulder "Dude, chill. I was chased by sasaengs" I rolled my eyes a him and walked towards the bedroom.

"I'll just go to sleep"


I opened my eyes and rubbed it as I stretched my legs. I need to grow taller than Mingyu someday that's why I need to do some stretching.

I checked my watch and sighed It's already 9:00 pm why didn't they wake me up or something? I felt someone's presence behind my back and I sighed "Jeonghan, are you here to say sorry?" no response. "or are you going to call me to dinner?"

I turned and my eyes widened at the sight before me because just beside my bed there lay Jeonghan with his throat slit open, eyes open wide, still staring at me.

His bed sheets were already soaked with his blood that either came from his throat that's slit open or the stabbed wounds on his stomach.

I frowned as my gaze focused on the pin that's on the floor. I slowly stood up and crouched to pick it up My hands shook as I took it. Why does it look familiar? It's as if I saw it before somewhere ... Just somewhere ...

"Hyung?" I met Wonwoo's terrified gaze as he stared at me and Jeonghan's dead body. I tried to control my voice from shaking as I stood up "Call the police"

The 8 o'clock habit (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now