I was so fucking hungry and I didn't have anything to eat. My stomach grumbled and I groaned. I just realized I was the only one in the house because the rest went to have dinner. I didn't expect an empty fridge though.

I get my car keys and I drove to the nearest 7-11. I got all my snacks and I didn't bother to change. I wore sweatpants and an oversized t shirt. I don't even know if I wore a bra. I was on my way to the counter until I find two people making out. Geez, the guy behind them even didn't bother to break their little session. 

I quickly get up to them and literally put my hands in between them to break them apart. 

"What the hell?" The guy snarls at me and he widens his eyes, looking at me. His expression turns into a soft expression but immediately frowns. What was it? Hell, I didn't even dress to impress. 

But I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw a greek god, damn. It's a shame he's a sex-crazed asshole.

"You bitch!" The girl starts to shake me around and I start to fight back. The guy immediately breaks us off and he whispers something to the girl, making her leave. 

He then pays for an item which is a condom and I scoff at him, folding my arms. 

"Be prepared with fucking hoes, so you won't have to get it on with a blow" I smile at him sweetly as he leaves quickly, with his jaw clenched.

Horny people, geez.


Today's the day my brother would get married. I was rather excited for the food than my brother's eternal love for his girlfriend. 

My door opens and it appears to be Catherine, My brother's fiancee and she smiles widely at me as she tries to stifle a laugh. It must have been the way I looked like. 

"You seem to be ready for the wedding? Andrea" Catherine sarcastically says as she sits on my bed. She then grabs me by my foot as I shriek. She drags me across the room and makes me stand up. 

"For gods sake Catherine, stop using your wrestling skills on me. I'm too unfit to do that. Did you hear news from my brother? I suck at doing anything physical" I mutter under my breath as she chuckles. 

Well, about that wrestling skills of Catherine, they both met at a gym. My brother became her instructor and well, they ended up fucking. 

I strip down my clothes, as I let my filth cower down the bathroom tiles. I was supposed to be early but my sleeping habits stopped me and on top of that, the wedding was going to happen in an hour. 

I dress myself in the gown I was supposed to wear as a bridesmaid. I then make my way downstairs to find a few guests who have already arrived. I greet them. Shit, where's my best friend?

The wedding was supposed to partake in our family garden which almost covered about one hundred people. Actually, this was the family house which was by the beach and boy, did I love it. 

A pair of hands comes by my eyes and I quickly twist the arm to reveal Elliot, who was also part of our gang. He groaned in pain as I smirked. He started tapping the ground in defeat. 

"God Eya, someone would be crazy to date you" He closes his eyes in pain as the rest of the gang joins him by his side. 

There came John, Aiden, Wes, and Elena who were my long time best friends since elementary. They laughed along as they were dressed in the fanciest way as possible. Elena quickly waltzed her way to me as she hugged me tightly. 

"E, I ca-ca-can't br-breathe" I struggle for air as she finally lets go of me.

"Geez E, you and your bear hugs" Aiden chuckles as we laugh together. 

The wedding was about to start and we had one missing grooms man. He was late which was making Catherine panic. Bridezilla as always. 

The crowd starts to clap as the sudden entry of the guy enters. I couldn't get to see him but he jogged, doing high fives with the audience, even with my dad. Who the hell is this guy?

I make my way to the altar and it reveals to be SCA (Sex-crazed asshole). He seems to be shocked as I am and I snicker as he raises his eyebrows. I continue to glare at him and he does the same. I looked away and prepared for the wedding. We made eye contact for the rest of the wedding but I hated the fact he was looking at me.

The wedding was a success and I greeted those who came. Alex, my brother then puts his arm around my shoulder as he smirks "Wow, my little sister, wearing a dress. This is a 'once in a blue moon' kind of thing right here" He points at me, up and down as I push his chest slightly making him chuckle. 

Catherine makes her way to his side as they share a lovely staring contest. I quickly leave, shaking my head until I find the gang seating at our table. They ate with all their might and moaned with delight. 

"Oh god, your so hot, I'm gonna eat you slowly" I catch Wes whispering to his food. We all burst out laughing as he knots his eyebrow. 

"I bet when he gets his food from the microwave he be like 'Daddy went home early, mind if I show a couple of moves to keep you satisfied?" Aiden mocks as Wes pouts. I rub his head, making his hair messed up which makes him even more irritated as he scowls at me. 

"Oh, someone's angry now, do I need to call your mommy?" I tease him as he sits down on his chair, folding his arms. We all laugh at him. 

I then see SCA talking with my brother and it looked like they really knew each other. They suddenly make their way to our table and I widen my eyes, taking a sip of wine. 

I sit down and try my best not to make eye contact with the guy but Alex manages to catch our attention. 

"Guys, this is Nathan. He's been with me for a couple of years now and he's also looking for his one true love" Alex mocks as Nathan elbows his stomach. 

"Eya, say hi to him" Alex tells me as I stand up and still not making eye contact, I say 'hello' and he says it back but with a husky voice. 

I go back to my seat with my head low as I continue to take a sip of my wine. 

"He's also staying here for a couple of weeks" Alex says and I spit my wine out, making John soak. Aiden and Elliot start laughing as John's face was just with his mouth open. 

Why the hell is he staying with us?

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