Chapter 7 - Karaoke saves the day

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Annabeth's POV

Annabeth watched in horror as 25 hellhound came jumping out of the windows. Glass shards flew every where. One got Annabeth in her and her step mother came forward to help but Annabeth just pulled it out of her arm. Her mother stared at her and then Annabeth loaded them onto the elevator.

Annabeth glared down at her stomach. She wanted to fight so badly. But she knew Percy would be mad if she did. Before They got on a hellhound bounded towards them.  Annabeth looked at her family and made a silent decision. She would only fight once. She cartwheeled over to her dagger, to keep the hellhounds attention on her. She did a backflip onto the hellhound’s back and stabbed it in the neck while it was still in shock that I was on it’s back. Annabeth looked over at the people fighting. They were losing. Annabeth let everyone get on the elevator except the Appolo campers. She signaled Sally too the music up super high. The Appolo campers set up the mics and then started dancing to the song. Then Annabeth started to with Lily. Today she was wearing neon pink heels, skinny jeans, a floral jacket and a burret. Slow down by Selena Gomez

Now that I have captured your attention

If want to steal you for a rhythm intervention

Mr. T you say I’m ready for inspection

S – s – show me how you make a first impression

The others stop to look at the stage which gave them motivation. They started to fight harder. They dancers danced harder. Then Lily and Annabeth started to sing Birthday by Selena Gomez.

Tell ‘em it’s my birthday

Tell ‘em it’s my birthday

Tell ‘em it’s my birthday

When I party like that

Every nights my birthday

They don’t know so it’s okay

Tell ‘em it’s my birthday

When I party like that

Jazz it up

Jazz it up

Happy as can be

Falling into you

Falling into me

How do you do?

Calling me the Queen

Cake and cream

Blow your dreams

               Blow your dreams

 Away with me

Blow your dreams

               Blow your dreams

                Away with me

They stopped fighting and stared at us and I realized they had won. Percy ran over and the others followed his lead. He lifted me off the stage and smiled. “I didn’t know you could sing!”

“I didn’t know either!”

Then Reyna piped up “ That was all luck up there?”

“Yeah!” said Annabeth.  She must have had a dumb look on her face, because Reyna gave her the dumb blonde stare. Annabeth laughed. Then Lily fell off the stage and into Leo’s arms. They stared into each others eyes for a minute and then Lily slipped something into Leo’s front pocket. Leo put her down slowly. Lily gave Leo the call me sign and then ran off to catch up to her siblings, Her long red hair staying in perfect place. Everybody stared at Leo. Who then said “Did that really just happen?” and stared  at his friends. “Yes Leo said Jason. “It did just happen” Then Leo’s buzzer ringed which meant it was time for him to go back to CampHalf – Blood. “Well we have to go buy dog food” He whistled for Blackjack who flew in through the open window.  And with that everybody left the hotel room before security came.








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