Chapter 12 - 4 Years Later

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Percy's POV

I was inside wit the kids who were now four, While Annabeth was sitting on the beach and reading a book. I looked out the window and what I saw annoyed me. Some guy wearing Aphrodite's scarf was flirting with Annbeth. I turned to the kids. "Hey kids you wanna go beat up the guy who's flirting with mommy?" The kids screamed in delight. They put on bunny ears and grabbed bunny ears and ham. I opened up the door and they yelled peanut butter and charged out the door and towards the guy who was flirting. Annabeth watched in horror as her kids beat up the poor guy. Then I realized who the guy was. ZACK EFRON. I ran to the pier while his fan club walked up. I heard Annabeth yell "LET"S GO BEAT UP DADDY!" and they charged after me. They got the pier and Sophia and Jaylen just jumped in. They were inherited all of my powers with water. I sped off in the water myy kids right behind me. When we popped out the water far out enough were Annabeth, Beth, and Ben couldn't see us. "Who wants to splash them?" I asked. "Can we daddy? Please?" Sophia asked excitedly. I gave her a thumbs up and she sent a small wave down on Ben. He looked our way and we sunk into the water beofre he spotted us. Then Jaylen sent an even bigger wave down on Beth who screamed with rage. Then I sen t the biggest wave of all on Annabeth. Then we swam to the pier and got out. We ran immediately and the others chased after us. Annabeth caught up to me and tackled me. I hit the sand. Beth and Ben followed Annabeth's example. Zack just watched but from a distance staying away from the kids. We got up and we all started to laugh. "Well it seems like your having fun" we turned around and found our selves face to face with Aphrodite. She had a glare the size of a mountain. The kids screamed in fear and hid behind me and Annabeth. Annabeth picked up the gitls and I picked up the boys. Aphrodite's glare turned into a smile just as big as the glare she had on her face just seconds ago. "I want to talk to you guys for a second....without the kids" I whistled and Blackjack came. "Please watch the kids" the kids ran up to the pegasus. "Stay here" Annabeth told them. We walked off to the corner of the beach. "I need your help" Aphrodite said sadly. We stared at her in suprise. "Why do you need our help?" I asked confused. "Demeter's boy, Zack, just had a hideous break up...I was wondering - if maybe you could help him find a girl quickly. To block out the hurt" Annabeth looked at her. She was even more confused "How do you expect us to do that exactly?" Aphrodite shook her head. "The same way you guys realized you had realized you were in love" Percy stared at her "So plop them on st. helens when it's about to explode hope she thinks he's about to die and kisses him, and then comes back alive days afterwards?" Aphrodite glared at him. "Anything but that. Just get him and Drew together" They stared at her in shock "DREW?" thhey said in unison. "He's dropped as low as Drew?" Annabeth asked. I immediately put a hand over Annabeth''s mouth. She glared at him. "They aren't friends at all. So excuse her FOUL MOUTH!" he said wincing as Annabeth kept on biting Percy's hand. "Just get him a girlfriend!" Aphrodite yelled as she disappeared.

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