Virginia: A New World

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2 Weeks Later

"Chris?" Mark asked Chris who was guarding their camp at night.

"Yes?" Chris asked Mark what was going on.

"We have no food for tomorrow." Mark said.

"Then go get some." Chris said trying to make fire with the lighter they found.

"I found a super right around that Avenue. Think we should check it out." Daryl said.

"Just go. And take some people with you." Chris said making the fire a little bigger now.

"You don't have to be too negative you know. I'll take Mark and Norris. April said she was helping me as well." Daryl told Chris. Chris looked at him and Daryl left.

Daryl, Norris, Mark, April, and Gus left for the super market at dawn. Meanwhile, Chris was about to rest when Dr. Clarissa stopped him.

"What do you want?" Chris said tired.

"Show me how to use it." She said holding a gun.

"Well, you hold it like this." Chris said positioning on the back of her and grabbing her two hands.

"Like this." She said holding it while Chris corrected her.

"Now you take the safety off and shoot it." Chris said.

Clarissa did what Chris told her and managed to fire it.

"You'll get use to it." Chris said and went to his tent. Clarissa went back to sleep with Damian.

Daryl and the others entered the super market and it was isolated. Nothing was left. They decided to keep walking until they found a neighborhood.

They entered the neighborhood and then proceeded to find a church. They entered it and was empty. There was a bed with. Blood. Probably weeks from now.

"This blood. It is still fresh." Mark said.

"It seems that way." Daryl said.

"Someone was here before us. Meaning that we are not alone." Norris said.

They exited the church. The entire camp was moved to the church most people slept in the benches and floors. Their food and guns supplies were kept under the floor.

"Investigate this incident tomorrow." Chris ordered the group.

"Sure. No problem." Norris said.

Norris, along with April, Daryl, Mark and Gus left for another supply run.

Clarissa investigated and predicted the blood has been there for days. She says is still fresh meaning someone was recently murdered. Chris and Damian guarded the door.

Norris and his group found a neighborhood that was full of blood, and bodies were burnt out. Nothing remained of the bodies except ashes. Daryl looked at it and said


Meanwhile, the group at the church were eating for dinner. Norris and the group got back with more supplies.

"Can we have a moment?" Daryl asked Chris.

Daryl and Chris went to a room.

"The group of this church were attacked by another group whom they butchered." Daryl said.

"The blood is probably AB type." Chris said.

"Meaning it was somebody from this group's." Daryl said.

"No shit." Chris said.

Walkers began getting closer to the church, smelling the blood.

"Well, Chris, stop the chit chatting and lets get the fuck out of here." Damian said before he was grabbed by a walker.

"Damian!" Troy yelled.

Daryl took his crossbow out and shot the walker.

"Let's go." Chris said.

They were running when April got caught by a walker and Chris went back for her, carrying in his arms.

They made it to a gas station nearby, and took a look at April's bruises and saw a bite in her ankle.

"April. I'm sorry." Chris said taking out his Python.

Tara took a step forward and interfere with Chris.

"Don't shoot her. Please. I beg you." Tara said.

"She is bit. I can't do anything." Chris sais loading up his Python.

"And she is my sister. Don't do it." Tara begged.

Chris took no hesistation and shot April.

Tara punched Chris and went inside the Gas Station.

"Well there goes another friendship." Damian said.

"Shut up."

"Sometimes it must be done." Norris interfere.

They all went to sleep. Chris and Camille heard noises outside and went to check.

They saw two men with guns firing at the walkers and being eaten alive. Gus was outside running away from them.

Chris grabbed his Python and Camille got her Knife and they headed toward Gus. They shot and cut their way to him as Gus tried to climb up a barbed wire fence, his leg was stripped open.

Blood coming out he panicked and fell. Walkers began to eat them but Chris shot them down. Chris carried Gus back to the Gas station as Camille killed the walkers behind them.

Once there, Dr. Perry told Damian, Troy and Norris to hold down Gus so she can operate him. Walkers approached a nearby building which was on the other side of road.

Clarissa told us we had to wait and see if he got any better.

They put him in a truck and continued their merry way. They went on and on until they made it to Washington DC, an infected place. Chris and Camille saw from the top of buildings.

Everything was ruined, destroyed if you must. Hours and even days later, after camping in a barn, a man began to get close, unarmed.

"Hello guys."

"Who are you?" Chris said holding his gun and Troy was there holding a shotgun.

"I'm not here to hurt you."

"That's what everyone starts off saying." Chris said.

"I know your good people, otherwise I wouldn't of shown myself to you."

"Oh really?" Chris said.

"All of you. I know all of you. I saw you ever since you stepped inside Washington DC. Please believe me."

"Don't worry sir, Chris can be a little mean sometimes." Nia said as she came from behind Chris.


"I'm Aaron, and I live in a community very close by. We can take you there we need people to make it run."

"And if we accept?"

"I recommend you do."

"Why not...

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