Woodbury Invasion

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Five Days Later

"How has it been here, Daryl" Rick said as Daryl sat down with him in a cell block.

"Pretty nice if I tell ya" He said

"Daryl, can I have a minute" Chris said as he approach the duo.

"Sure, what is it" Daryl said as Rick left the cell block.

"The Bandits. Do you know them" Chris said.

"Wow. Straight to the point I see. Yep, I was part of them but their plan was shitty. They wanted to go to Woodbury, and I wanted to come here" He said.

"Why" Chris said

"Woodbury. *sigh* They said it was better than anything in this god damn world. They were wrong. I saw what they did to you. I wasn't in the ambush that your group had been through either" Daryl said

"Who wielded the crossbow then?" Chris asked

"Another guy. Killed him and took it for me. Thought that such weapon was in bad hands" He said "However I seemed to be in good hands now. How can I trust you?" Daryl asked

"We haven't kill you nor hurt you in the time you have been with us. Join us and together we can destroy Woodbury" Chris said

"I like it" He said

The two shook hands ad went to thir cells.

A Day Later

Chris sent some people under Edmund to get their RV back from the hiding place they had it.

"Quick open the gate!" Rick said as they rode the RV inwards.

"Great. Two RVs better than one" Dale said as he exited the Prison towards the courtyard.

"Nice. Where's Hershel, and the others?" Daryl asked both Rick and Chris.

"We sent them on a run. Michonne and Hershel haven't come back yet" Rick said

"Well shit. Where's Otis" Patricia asked.

"He had to go breath air" Chris said

"I hope he is alright" Patricia said.

"Don't worry. He will be fine. Hell, he is tougher than any nigger, as he would have said right now" Chris said.

"You sure know how to make someone laugh, at least a little" she said smiling.

"No problem" Chris said as he went back inside.

A large noise was heard. Trucks and a Tank began to appeared infront of the Prison. Chris walked towards the gate as so did the Governor. They took out Michonne who was tied up and Tyreese who they also had tied up.

"You don't want to do this" Chris said.

Walkers began to pile up in the gates. Otis was there. With them. Patricia began to cry.

"There's still hope" Chris said.

"We can all change. We are not too far gone" Rick said as he got closer.

"Liar" Governor said as he cut Tyreese' head vertically. As he screamed in pain.

They began to shoot and the Tank broke down the Gates. Walkers began to appear. David Chalmers got shot in the legs and began to get eaten.

Axel got shot in the head by Shane. Chris got put his Shotgun and began to kill the Woodbury citizens. Blood space across the courtyard as Walkers ate the survivors from both groups.

"Chris! We need to split up and move to different positions" Rick yelled.

Billy Greene fell from one of the guard towers and was executed by the Governor. Hershel was also shot in the head. As he did not want to let his son die.

Carol ran to the hands of Chris as they ran to the RV. Lori got shot but Judith doesn't and is taken by Andrea along with the other kids. Carl and Rick go running and everyone gets separated.

The Governor all alone is shot by Lily Caul and thrown to the walker pile. Woodbury retreats as the Prison falls to the hands of the Undead.

Chris along with Carol, Damian and Delina arrived in an abandoned house. They settle down thinking what to do.

"What are the options?" Chris asked.

"Not many. Either go to Hershel's Farm or stay here. Carol do you know where it is" Damian asked.

"I sure do" she said.

The group left for Hershel's farm. Once there, Dale, Glenn, Maggie, Billy and Ben, Sophia, were all there.

"Where's Rick?" Chris asked

"Haven't seen him" Dale said

"I just hope he is ok" Chris said

Days later, Rick Carl and Michonne came to Hershel's Farm escorted by Glenn and Maggie. Then Chris' group got to Hershel's Farm in their RV.

"This is were we say goodbye" Chris said.

"Yeah" Rick said

They shook hands with their lefts. Before they left a group appeared at the fence.

"Who the fuck are you?" Andrea yelled to them.

They introduced themselves as Abraham Ford, Eugene Porter and Rosita Espinosa. The farm was not secure anymore.

Rick's group left with Abraham while Chris' group left in their RV separated ways.

Chris looked back at the farm one last time and said.

"Hell, this isn't even the beginning"...

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