Here Goes Nothing...

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Matt looked down at the potato with his number carved into it. What the hell kind of idea was this, writing your number on a potato and throwing it at someone?!
But if this was the only way to get noticed, he guessed it was worth it.
Matthew found his target, took a deep breath, and swung his arm hard. No! No, not that hard!!! The words echoed in his mind as the vegetable went flying across the hall and landed with a light thunk on a Germanic kid's head. "Ow!"

Hiding behind the lockers, Matt heard the conversation:
"Vhat the hell is this?! A potato? With...somebody's number in it?" The recipient rubbed the back of his noggin a bit.
"Oooh mon ami, I suggest you call it!"
"Si, si! You can't leave them waiting you know."
The two friends of the person were encouraging him to dial it once he got the chance.

Prussia hoped it was who he thought it would be.

Potato on the dresser next to his bed, he contemplated the odds of it being him. He rolled on his bed a bit, hugging his pillow in indecision.

Gilbert picked up the phone.

Notice Me Senpai!-A Prucan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now