How Do I Do That?

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Matthew was rather nervous about talking to Kiku. Well, anyone that is. But this time, he needed advice. The courage built up inside him a bit as he asked away. "Uh, um hey Kiku?"
"Hm? Yes Matthew-San?"
"W-well there's something I need to uh...ask..."
"What is it?"
Matt's face turned as red as his nationality's flag as the words tumbled out his mouth.
"'s this...p-person I really like a lot...a-and...I don't really know how to uh...g-get them to well...notice me..."
The other student thought for a moment. "Why are you asking me and not that popular trio? I mean, they'd probably be of better service than me at this..."
The Canadian's facial expression looked like his heart has just skipped not one, but two beats.
"Uh...I don't them! Yeah! I don't really trust them...heh."
"Well you do have a point Matthew-San. They are rather...mischievous."
Kiku said as he saw the albino of the trio at the other end of the yard dunk his juice carton on his friend.
"I should just be creative. Make him get your number in a way that'll be hard to forget." Kiku broke a sudden long silence in the conversation.
"W-what?! H-how so I do that?" Matt had no idea what this Japanese kid was going on about creativity.
"Hey! Hey Kiku! Come see this!" An Italian accent piped up from another side of the yard.
"Oh, it looks like I'm needed elsewhere. Good luck Matthew-San." The boy gave a light bow as he turned his attention to Feli, the cheery Italian kid.

Matthew was utterly confused.

Notice Me Senpai!-A Prucan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now