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"Gil! Gilbert! GILBERT!" A sudden hard kick was driven towards Germany's brother, Prussia.

The albino awoke with a start, tumbling out of bed. "Vhat the hell? You almost kicked the awesome out of me! But I doubt that's humanely possible, since I have so much of it..."

"Then set your own alarm dumpkof! Now hurry up, you're going to be late for school again!" Ludwig called out from downstairs as his older brother got ready.

Stuffing a piece of toast in his mouth, Gilbert raced out the door. "EAT BREAKFAST YOU IDIOT!" His younger brother called from the window.

"I know, I know! I'm awesome!" He waved and called back.

And that's how Monday started.

- - -

Gilbert was on a stealth mission. The enemy had awesome-detectors, and if he got in their range he'd get caught and-

"Gilbert, its no use crawling in the back of the class to your seat. We know you're late." The teacher piped up, not even looking up from the board.

An ocean of eyes fixed on him with a giggle. A slight tint of pink in embarrassment washed up on his face as he sat down, realizing a beautiful pair of purple pupils had laid eyes upon him. Before he could distinguish which ones they were, from Ivan or another Canadian kid he didn't know much of, the teacher cleared her throat and all eyes fixated back on her. "Now, back to our lesson Gil decided to interrupt." She turned back to the chalkboard and started scribbling away.

Gil sat in the back, and the eyes he admired that morning sat in a seat by the window. Despite being in the seat of a main character, not many knew about his existence. Gilbert knew he had a brother as well, the loud and obnoxious Alfred F. Jones, who sat flirting to the British guy a little farther up front. The Prussian honestly felt like the schoolgirls in Japan's shows, all like "Notice me senpai!" towards....Matt!

That's it! Gil knew the blonde's name again! Matthew! So he could have a better start than he expected after all! The bell that rang for a well-needed lunch echoed through the albino's ears as it tore though his thoughts.

Notice Me Senpai!-A Prucan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now