I Never Thought

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The next day, Gil made sure to come to school extra early. Even Ludwig was surprised (and a bit puzzled) at this.
But why arrive early today, of all days?

Gilbert walked down the empty hallway, sound of his own footsteps bouncing off the walls. He peeked in the empty classroom, to see Matt.
The Canadian had his eyes fixed on the white cotton candy clouds outdoors. "Uh...hey..." Terrible start, Gilbert you idiot! That totally wasn't an awesome entrance!! Gil thought as the other boy turned his head to face him.
His face a sweet apple red, Matt smiled a bit. "So...uh...you finally noticed me, huh?"
"W-what? I've...I've actually been noticing you for quite a while now..." Gil mumbled the last part.
Matt felt like his heart would burst out of his chest, the words spilled out of his mouth like a river. "That means you like me back right?"
Long silence.
"Yeah...guess it does." The albino chuckled.
Matt lifted his head from its gaze at the ground and fixed it on the rubies the Prussian had for pupils.
The other's candy purple orbs slightly rimmed with water, Gil never forgot the sentence that was said.

"I never thought you would."

Notice Me Senpai!-A Prucan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now