Chapter 18

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"Gather around the campfire, children, I'll tell you the legacy of Adam, Ty, Mitch, and Jerome."

"See, over the course of our human existence, one thing consists of consistence, and it's that we're all battling fear. That's exactly what our heroes of the story did; battled fear whilst stuck down in the basement of some crazy (lady-sky) fangirl.

"They wasted away, over the course of what seemed like centuries. The four trapped in the basement stood wth their last Cheeto, the wifi having gone out decades ago.

"The homosexuals in the room(which, was all of them) fought a raging war offer the last Cheeto, some may call it a revolution against the company itself, still others call it a civil war between brothers in arms. If there's one thing that turns men corrupt more than money itself, it's Cheetos-- a byproduct of underpaid workers in a factory.

"The war was fought for years and years, until one side had fallen. Adam and Ty were victorious, and--"

"Woah woah woah, hold the phone, why do Mitch and I have to lose?" Jerome growled.

Adam groaned and rolled his eyes. "Because-- okay, you know what? It's because I'm the teacher here teaching you all about the Last Cheeto, so shut your face holes and let me finish."

"I dunno, I think we'd win, to be honest." Mitch shrugged and gave a cheeky grin.

"Ty, side with me!"

"Actually, in all honesty, they'd probably win." Ty laughed. "I mean, they are the Hunger Games gods."

"Pfft- okay, you know what? Okay. Mitch and Jerome were victorious--"


"SHUT UP, I'm finishing the story!

"Mitch and Jerome were victorious in the battle, having slain their friends in order to achieve their goal. They shared the last Cheeto together and had glorious buttsex before the universe imploded on them. The End."

"That story sucked." Ty retorted.

"Hey, it's better than you could do." I teased, poking him.


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