C h a p t e r O n e

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"(Name)! We're going to be late because of you!" Katelyn yelled from downstairs.

"I'm sorry! Just give me five more minutes!" (Name) ran to grab her backpack and run downstairs. Katelyn was tapping her foot impatiently waiting her best friend to hurry her butt up. "Sorry!" (Name) apologized once more as she got done and put her shoes on. Katelyn was already out the door by the time (Name) was locking the front door.

"I swear, on the first day of school we are always behind because of you." Katelyn complained.

"I can't help it! I'm still used to sleeping in!" (Name) groaned.

"Whatever. Laurance and Garroth are waiting for us."

_-Time Skip-_

"Sorry we're late. (Name) here made us late once again." Katelyn sighed as she walked up to Laurance and Garroth.

"It's not my fault my alarm clock didn't wake me up this time!" (Name) defended herself.

"It's alright, (Name). At least we have ten more minutes until the bell." Garroth says looking of into the distance.

"Shall we head over to the main entrance?" Laurance asked.

"Sure." The sophomores started making their way towards the main door. Along the way, a girl with dark brown hair and tan skin bumped into Garroth, causing her to fall. Garroth caught her in his arms.

"I-I'm s-sorry!" The girl apologized.

"It's okay. Just watch where you're going next time." Garroth reassured the girl as he helped her get onto her feet.

"What's you're name?" (Name) asked the girl.

"Eh? M-My name i-is A-Aphmau!" Aphmau stuttered as she made eye contact with (Name).

"Interesting name!" (Name) smiled. "I'm (First Name) (Last Name)! It's nice to meet you Aphmau!"

"Katelyn." Katelyn nonchalantly introduced herself as she pulled out her phone and started to meditate a little bit.

"I'm Laurance." He sighs as he looks away.

"Garroth Ro'Meave." Garroth says as he dusts himself off.

"W-Wow! Y-Y-You guys are so confident! W-When you introduce yourselves."

"You're a freshmen aren't you?" Garroth asks crossing his arms.

"Y-Yes...I-Is it that noticeable?" Aphmau hesitantly answered as a tint of pink formed around her cheeks.

"It's cute." (Name) complimented Aphmau, she started to pat Aphmau's head.

"Don't go patting everyone elses' head." Katelyn warned.


"Aww man! School is already starting..." (Name) whined. "We'll catch you later Aphmau! Bye!"

_-Time Skip-_

Garroth, Laurance, Katelyn and (Name) all get their schedules.

"WHAT NO! THIS CAN NOT BE HAPPENING!" Katelyn raged as she compared her schedule with (Name)'s.

"It'll be fine, Katelyn. We can still eat lunch together~" (Name) sweat-dropped as she tried to calm down the blue haired girl.

"WE ONLY HAVE GYM AND SCIENCE TOGETHER! THAT IS NOT OKAY!" Katelyn glared at the teachers and school administrators.

"Hey look, (Name) and I have four classes together. How funny." Laurance bragged.

High-School Couple | Laurance X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now