C h a p t e r F i v e

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Surely, the two didn't take a nap, they slept all the way to morning. Good thing they didn't have school.

(Name)'s POV

I woke up from my slumber. I feel a arm wrapped around my body. I turn my head around to see Laurance's sleeping face.

"Cuteee~..." I fangirl to myself.

I lie in his bed, nothing to do. I start to wiggle around trying to break free from his arms.

"Stahpp." He groans.

"Laurance~ You need to wake up." I whisper.

"Noooo." He whines.

"Please?" I cutely ask.


Laurance lets go off me and we both sit up. He looks at me and smiles.


"Nothing." He leans towards me and kisses my forehead.

_-Time Skip-_

Third Person POV

Laurance and (Name) walk out into the kitchen and find Hayden and Cadenza already seated, and eating their breakfast.

"Hmm, Laurance. I see you brought your girlfriend over but didn't have the curtesy to introduce her to me." Hayden stood up from his chair. (Name) started to get cold sweats as Hayden strided his way towards her.

"Ahem. I am Laurance's adoptive father, call me Hayden." Hayden smiled while he shook (Name)'s hand.

(Name) awkwardly smiled and shook Hayden's hand.

"Okay, okay. You guys are scaring her." Laurance broke the awkward silence.

"Whatever, Laurance. You're the one who always embarrasses Dad whenever he has a his coworkers over." Cadenza stuck her tongue out at Laurance.

"Oh please, Cadenza. I'm not the one who turned Dad's work shirts pink."


"...It's too early in the morning to argue children." Hayden sighed. "I'm off to work. Cadenza have the house clean before I get home." Hayden said as he grabbed his suitcase and coat.

"Yes, Father." Cadenza bit her tongue to avoid back talking. After the door slammed close Cadenza shouted, "I'm going to my room!"

"Well, (Name). We have a free day ahead of us, what do you want to do?" Laurance asked as he grabbed a Coke from the fridge.

"I don't know...How about we call one of our friends up and tag along with them?" (Name) suggested as she hopped on top of the counter.

"But, I wanted to spend time with you and only you." Laurance whined but soon smirked as he saw that (Name) had a light pink tint on her cheeks. Laurance took another sip of his drink and smiled. "Do you want to go into the city and go shopping? Or maybe the arcade?" Laurance asked emphasizing the arcade.

"Hmm, now that you mentioned it, I need groceries for my apartment and I want to go to the arcade too. (Name) looked through her phone to see the list of groceries she had to get. "Let's go to the arcade first then the store." (Name) suggested.

High-School Couple | Laurance X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now