C h a p t e r S e v e n

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"I'm s-serious! Nothing is wrong, everything is perfectly fine...Katelyn." (Name) had cold sweats as the light blue haired girl approached her.

"Why are you acting all suspicious?" Katelyn raised a eyebrow.

"Gah! We're going to be late if we don't hurry up." (Name) changed the subject as she ran ahead of Katelyn.

_-Time Skip-_

"Hey (Name)!...and Katelyn..." Laurance sweatdropped.

"H-Hi Laurace." (Name) awkwarldy smiled at Laurance.

"What up, Bro." Katelyn walked past him as she bumped into his shoulder.

Katelyn was a few steps in front of (Name) and Laurance as they walked to their usual meet up.

"When are you going to tell her?!" Laurance whispered.

"I don't know when to!" (Name) loudly whispered back.

"Sooo, Katelyn , have you heard the big news yet?" Garroth grinned.

"No? What is it?" Katelyn perked up.

"Well, you should probably ask (Name)."

"(Name)? What's the big news?" Katelyn asked.

"Uh. I um. G-Gotta go to d-dance room BYE!" (Name) sprinted off to the direction of the dance room.

"What's up with her?" Katelyn asked.

Laurance had already sprinted towards the main school building, trying to avoid Katelyn's questions. Garroth chuckled as he watched Katelyn's confusion. "I ASKED WHAT WAS UP WITH (NAME)?!" Katelyn growled at Garroth.

_-Time Skip-_

Lunch time.

Since it was a different rotation, Laurance and (Name) had the same lunch, but not with Katelyn and Garroth.

"You really need to tell her soon." Laurance stated as he unpacked his lunch.

"B-B-But...It's too difficult." (Name) whined and frowned as she sat next to Laurance.

"Well, either you tell her now and get over with it, or you can forever keep it a secret and Katelyn will pound us for not telling her sooner." Laurance sighed.

"...How about that secret part?"


"I'm just kidding!...Maybe..."

"Yeah, yeah. Eat your food now." Laurance said.

"Eh...I kinda forgot to pack food, sooooo yeah." (Name) giggled at her own embarrassment.

"Seriously? Man, sometimes your like a child." Laurance sighed once again, he turned to face (Name), who was grinning ear to ear at Laurance. "Say 'Ahh'."

"WHAT?! No! Y-You are not feeding me!" (Name) growled.

"Relax, normal couples do it."

"T-That's weird though!"

"We're both weird, so what's your point?" Laurance smirked.

"Ugh, never mind....A-Ahh." (Name) adverted her eyes so she wouldn't make eye contact, and blushed a light pink.

Laurance feed her half his sandwich, he took turns eating the sandwich and feeding (Name).
'This is too embarrassing, I could just die on the spot.' (Name) though to herself.

'How cute.' Laurance though to himself as he continued to feed (Name). But this moment was too good to be true.

"(NAME), YOU BETTER EXPLAIN YOURSELF!" Katelyn slammed the roof door open, tick-marks were forming everywhere around her, her face was priceless, Katelyn was gritting her teeth, her eyes were like a angry chibi character.

High-School Couple | Laurance X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now