C h a p t e r E l e v e n

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"It's high noon..."

"OH SHIT." (Name) yelled into her mic, she was playing a video game at Laurance's house. She was left in the middle of open ground, no where to hide. And just like that, (Name) was dead.

"Y'all had it coming." The McCree from the enemy team taunted.

"I suck at this game, Laurance." (Name) whined as it replayed her death cam.

"All you have to do is practice. Come here." Laurance guided (Name) onto his lap, and covered her small hands with his big ones. Laurance rested his chin on the top of (Name)'s head and began to guide her as soon as her character had respawned.

(Note: if you don't play overwatch then you prob wont get most of this, id say to just skim through and find to where the lovey dovey stuff starts, also I'm an Ana main so suks to be reader)

"Since you're playing Ana right now, I'd suggest you get behind your tanks and start healing teammates and tag enemies." Laurance said as he pushed a button and guided the joy-stick upwards.

(Name) could feel Laurance's broad chest against her back. A smile had glued itself to her face, making her giggle.

"Are you paying attention?" Laurance smiled down at his girlfriend, she looked up and gave him a cheeky smile.

"Partially." (Name) replied. Laurance laughed lightly.

"If you want to get better at Overwatch you gotta pay attention to my tips." He let go of the controller as soon as the word 'VICTORY!' flashed across the screen. He patted (Name) on the head and wrapped his arms around her waist, snuggling into her (shirt/hoodie/jacket).
(Name) placed the controller onto Laurance's bedside table and leaned back, making her boyfriend fall into the bed. They shared a few giggles with each other before getting into a normal sleep position.

(Name) booped Laurance on the nose and smiled. He wrinkled his nose and booped (Name) back.

"You can't boop the boop master." (Name) whispered.

"I think I'm allowed to, I'm the boop master's boyfriend." Laurance whispered back. "Alright, go to sleep, I think Katelyn wanted to go somewhere with the us and Garroth." Laurance stroked (Name)'s hair in a gentle manner, trying to help the (h/c) haired girl sleep faster.

_- Time Skip-_

"Oh, Hey guys." Katelyn greeted as she approached the three sophomores.

"Hey Katelyn." (Name) said with a warm smile.

It was starting to get cold out, summer transitioning to fall season. Everyone was wearing a somewhat thick coat to keep themselves warm.

"Where did you want to go, Katelyn?" Garroth asked as he adjusted his scarf.

"I just wanted to hangout with (Name) really, but I know she would want you two to come, so I didn't have any place in mind." Katelyn bluntly said.

"We should go to a cafe or something, should we invite Travis and Aphmau?" (Name) perked up.

"Sounds good to me." Garroth smiled. The four started walking to a local cafe, while doing so (Name) called Aphmau and Travis to invite them, which they both accepted. The group chatted amongst themselves, (Name) would gossip with Katelyn and tell some inside jokes. Laurance and Garroth walked behind them just talking about the new games that were coming out.

"Win any fortday?"

"Yeah dude, all solos too. I'm pro." The two joked. They finally reached the cafe.

"Let's all head in!" (Name) chirped.
They found a big booth towards the corner of the cafe. It was nice and cozy inside. They had a fireplace going, Christmas music was softly playing. It was very atmospheric.

"Aph and Travis on their way?" Garroth asked (Name), she nodded her head. "Good." Garroth softly smiled. Laurance took his seat next to (Name) and put his arm around his girlfriend's shoulder. Katelyn sat next to Garroth, she rolled her eyes as (Name) giggled at her. Katelyn mouthed, 'I hate my life.'

"Oh hey! They're over there." Travis walked over to the booth with Aphmau at his side.

"Hey freshmeat." Katelyn snickered.

"H-H-Hey Katelyn..." Travis nervously let out. He adjusted his collar and sat next to Laurance. Aphmau sat on the side with Garroth and Katelyn.

"We're all here." Laurance announced.

"Yeah...Let's take turns talking about our winter break. I'll go first." Garroth suggested. "Well, I've been studying a lot for our midterm that's coming up soon, oh and trying a variety of tea." He let out a small laugh.

"Midterms are like so far from now." Katelyn rolled her eyes.

"I t-think that's pretty smart of you, studying inadvance and not cramming it all at once..." Aphmau said, avoiding eye contact with Garroth. Her cheeks burned bright red but was unnoticed by Garroth.

"I've been forced to hang out with a lot of the girls on my team. They're all SOOO annoying."

"Oh lighten up, Katelyn. Adds some variety into your life! You need to hangout with other girls than me." (Name) scolded.

"But their stupid bi-"

"Moving on! I've been hanging out with Laurance and Cadenza at their house. Laurance taught me how to play a lot of games!"

"Aww that's really cool."

"Makes me wanna barf."


"Shuddup, Blondie."

who knew i would update this old book? lmao


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