C h a p t e r E i g h t

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After the little incident with Gene, everyone agreed to go to the lake near the school grounds.

"Huh? Laurance asked you out over here?" Katelyn was shocked.

"W-Wait! Laurance and (Name) are dating?" Aphmau squealed.

(Name) giggled at both Katelyn and Aphmau, and Laurance sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Yes and yes. Nobody told you yet?"


"I would have thought so many rumors would have spread since Laurance over here is like Mr. Popular #2." (Name) snickered.

"Nnngh." Laurance groaned as he begun to pout.

The girls started to giggle as they watched Laurance.

"I'm guessing Garroth is Mr. Popular #1?" Aphmau asked. Katelyn and (Name) were still in their little laughing fit, but nodded their heads.

Laurance grumpily grabbed (Name) by the wrists and dragged with him.

"Nooo!" (Name) dramatically yelled. Katelyn and Aphmau both smiled and waved. Garroth grinned.

_-Time Skip-_

"Laurance~! Stahp pulling me." (Name) childishly whined as Laurance abruptly stopped, causing (Name) to bump into Laurance's back. He turned around and looked down at (Name). "W-What's wrong?" (Name) all of a sudden got nervous.

"I'm still pissed at what Gene did." Laurance looked off into the distance.

"Laurance...I have faith in you. Just understand that I'll always be by your side. Even if you don't want me to." (Name) smiled.

"Thank you...I love you, (Name)." Laurance smiled and embraced his girlfriend. He placed a small kiss on her forehead, then rested his head on top of her's.

"I love you too, ya Dum Dum." (Name) said gently.

"HEY LOVEBIRDS! ITS GETTING LATE!" Katelyn yelled from afar.

"WE'RE COMING." Laurance yelled back. "Way to ruin the moment." Laurance groaned. He grabbed (Name)'s hand and intwined their fingers together.

_-Time Skip-_

"I hate Thursdays, they always get in the way of Fridays..." (Name) yawned as she walked with Katelyn to school.

"Can't help it." Katelyn replied.

"Stupid Ancient people with their stupid calendars." (Name) growled.

"Hey Idiots!" A certain voice yelled out from behind Katelyn and (Name). (Name) instantly knew who it was.

"We're not idiots like you, Gene, and Zenix, but what do you want?" Katelyn glared.

"I just wanted to let you know that if (Name) ever comes near Gene again, all hell will break lose." Sasha threatened.

"First of all, Gene approached us, you were even there. Second, Gene isn't my type, go tell him that." (Name) turned on her heals and started to walk away.

"I'm warning you, (Name)! Gene likes you for some reason, but I won't let you get in the way on my love for him." Sasha coldly said before walking off too.

"What a little brat. She needs to understand that Gene doesn't like her." Katelyn scoffed.

"Gene is just pushing Laurance's buttons because he's all salty about the fact that Laurance left." (Name) gritted her teeth.

High-School Couple | Laurance X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now