"The Angel with a Knife"

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"The Angel with a Knife"

Two Angels came to earth and both were given tasks

One hold the cup of life and the other cease it with a knife

The other was adored while the latter was despised

For they have powers way beyond, man can never ever had

The Angel with the cup, started everything just right

He felt so blessed and pure, he proved everyone his might

He promised to the Father, that he will be the light

A reminder of His love, a beacon of hope to mankind


While the Angel with the knife, felt sad of his plight

For he bring nothing but despair to all that he has sight

And though he did his job, he felt agony of his might

Cause he is nothing but darkness to all of mankind

Eons passed by and the Angels fulfilled their roles

Both worked harmoniously until they had a thunderous brawl

The Angel with the knife, tired, wanted to try to give life

The one with the cup said, it is absurd, thus they had a fight

The Father called the two that put them in a halt

He told them to go back, to what they were told to do

But the Father knew the problem and so he came to see

The one known to men, angel of monstrosity

He told him not to be afraid and speak of what he feels

And so the Angel cried, and burst out with painful tears

He adored mankind the way the Father had loved them

But why hand him a curse that made men fear him

He said he felt so bad whenever men are in pain,

Losing someone of their kin, is not something he is keen

He said he didn't like it when men gave him the blame

But it is the throbbing truth and he felt deeply ashamed

The Father reached out and hugged his sobbing Angel

With love and care he said, "I know you are aching.

I gave you a burden. That made you look evil.

But know that your role is not at all about suffering.

Your brother may bring hope, but you are a reminder

That life is so short, for them to take it granted

You are there not to scare but to keep them in touch

Of what is more important over the things they want

And yes I told your brother to give men hope

But you are my truth, however painful it may seem

Didn't you notice that you bring, those that you have taken

To the kingdom I promised them since the time of Adam

You brother rarely sees me for he is always away

But you on the other hand, see me day by day

You have nothing to be ashamed of for you are also a gift

An end to their suffering is a life everlasting"

And so the Father smiled at His loving Angel,

He knew His work was done when the Angel stopped crying

He told him to stand up and be that kind of being

Someone men would welcome when it is time to meet them

It might have been a while, but it is better late than never

These are the Father's Angels, his grace to all of men

The Angel who had a cup who gives men life and hope

The Angel who had a knife who shows truth and forever

-    MAJS

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