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My mother sets the crown gently on my head. She steps back and smiles like she had just made a pice of art. I put on my best fake smile. She twirls her finger in the air like only a few nights before I spin and think of how things have changed so drastically with in a few days. Only few days ago I first meet Ace. Only a few days ago I had battled the jester. It feels like a life time ago.

As me and my mother walk down the hall to the balcony. I see prince Nottingham waving and smiling at the crowd. I do the same, then my mother comes between us and looks at the crowd with confidence in her eyes. She made them love her, she made everyone in the village love her. And now she is about to pull the strings on her puppets once agin.

"Welcome everyone we have gathered to day for a special announcement..."
She pauses to add a effect " my daughter Princess Rose Hearts of the hearts family and Prince Nottingham have been engaged and will marry as soon as possible"

But little do the people know that the Queen of Hearts locks up her daughter in her room and black mails her.

"And with this marriage hopefully an heir will be born"

Great she wants me to have kids with this guy. How convenient first she says I am going to get married to some guy I don't love then threatens the guy I love and now she wants me to have kids great. I bet she has a whole closet full of clothes for the little demons. Next she will be asking me which wall paper we should use.

I tell myself that this will be over soon and I will soon see Ace. I dare not think of what they've done to him. My heart can't take much more of the harassment. I long to see I don't listen to my brain for once but instead my heart.

Then my mother turns and walks back through the open doors me a prince Nottingham fallow after. My mother Leeds us down halls I have never seen before. I soon realized we were being to descend. We go deeper and deeper until it's completely dark. Mother flips a switch and the lights come on I see rows of cells. Then I see a boy in a torn suit standing against a cell wall. My heart leapt with joy Ace...

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