Chapter Two- The pills drowned... and so did my sanity

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Hehehehehehehe... Anyways, I hope that this chapter will clarify some stuff a bit for you guys. I just wanted to remind you that the story is happening in a distant future, with spaceships (ok, maybe not spaceships, but you get what I mean) and all that bullcrap. So yeah. And the last chapter was mostly the principal's character's dream.

And so yeah, just so things are clear. The protagonist is CRAZY. Well, that's the rude way to say that she's manic-depressive. Oh well crap, you'll see, goddammit.

Enjoy, my dear boys! (And girls)

Chapter Two – The pills drowned… and so did my sanity

The Sybille Greene Academy was located on the border of New Ether. It was still on the island, but it wasn’t downtown, where all the shops, clubs, bars and expensive apartments were. Which was good, because I couldn’t afford that sort of distraction. Even with the meds running in my blood, the energy pulsing through that sort of places was calling out to me.

As I stepped off the air-train and out of the elevator, I was engulfed by a living and breathing sea. A sea of people, walking on the sidewalks, each one of them having a precise purpose. For a moment I let the swarm of populace carry me down the street, matching their leisurely pace, looking around at the wonders a big city had to offer.

But more than anything, I was observing the people. Some of them were ordinary, but some were so extravagant that someone like me- who had lived in a small town all her life- couldn’t help but stare. A girl with teal-coloured hair walked by me, dressed in a top that consisted of two straps of silky material shaped like an upside-down V, hiding her breasts but revealing her navel and a great portion of her stomach. She also wore tight black pants, and a belt with a multitude of glowing buttons and screens. She was barefoot.

I attracted glances myself, especially from men, but I was used to that. I didn’t really care either.

Another girl I passed was covered in vine-like tattoos; they were on her face, twirling around her arms, green and slightly glowing. She had white hair and pink eyes and wore a simple, white tunic dress and delicate sandals. 

I knew that those extraordinary appearances were a product of plastic surgery, but that fact didn’t make those physically-altered people any less striking.

I even thought I saw a person on a flyBoard, sailing above the air-cars, knees bent like a surfer.

This city was like one of my hallucinations: Unbelievable.

The streets were filled with cars and the traffic was slow, the air was filled with honking and the incessant buzz of millions of conversations. I was surrounded by sky-scrapers, shining silver in the pale morning light. While now, all the holographic ads hovering in the air looked pale and slightly faded, like a paper photography that had stood in sunlight for too long, at night they would be brilliant, illuminating the city, making it shine with all imaginable colors.

I followed the directions of my intercell, and soon found myself standing in front of the Sybille Greene Academy. It was a building that looked strangely small compared to the towers surrounding it, like it belonged in the ancient area of town, where buildings were made of bricks and covered in vines.

Massive stairs led to the academy, and columns framed the entrance. The doors of the academy were huge and made of wood, carved with a sentence that curved along the top of the door. “Memento, homo, quia pulvis es et in pulverem reverteris”. I guessed it was Latin.

Teenagers were hanging out on the steps, some sitting and talking, others hugging each other, teary-eyed, as if they hadn’t seen each other in years rather than the two month summer vacation.

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