3. Buttercup

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There he stood. I had almost forgotten how handsome he was. Even after 4 years I still felt the familiar tingles ignite throughout my body at the sight of him.

I'm sorry Buttercup.

That word was enough to leave me speechless. Buttercup. He called me Buttercup. A wave of nostalgia hit me. When we were younger, he would call me that to try and lift my spirits and it always worked. The first time he had called me that, I had laughed through my tears and asked what it was. He smiled at me weakly and told me he honestly didn't know. He had heard it being said in an old American sitcom, and thought that it might cheer me up because when they had said it on the show the girl had smiled brightly at the boy. Right after he had told me that I hugged him and I remember the sense of security that had engulfed me. To this day I still don't know what buttercups are.

I smiled at the memory.

Suddenly, sadness overwhelmed me and my knees went weak and they gave out. I fell to the ground and he rushed to my side.

"Are you alright?" Worry was evident in his voice and guilt enveloped his eyes.

I clung onto his torso and whimpered. I had missed him so much and I didn't realize how much until this very moment. I buried my head into his chest as he whispered apologies and comforting words to me. I lifted my head to see his eyes red and glossy. I felt a pang of culpability. Had I made him cry as well? I would have rather cried for a thousand days myself than be the cause of someone else's tears.

"I'm sorry." I croaked.

"For what, Char?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"For making you cry too."

He stared at me intently and his expression softened. "You don't have to apologize," He whispered gently to me. "I deserved it."

"No, no you didn't. No one deserves to cry." I told him sternly.

He chuckled lightly. "You haven't changed much, have you? Still the same old thoughtful Charlotte." He smiled down at me. "Caring more about others' emotional stability than her own." He bent down and kissed my forehead, his lips lingering there for a second.

I smiled softly at his statement. I wanted to tell him that he had changed. That the old Harry would have never hurt me. But somehow I knew that that was behind us now. I had forgiven him whether he knew it or not. I had told him how I felt and that was enough. "So, uh, how- how did you get in exactly?"

"Oh, your roommate let me in. She had a key to your room..."

"Oh. I didn't know she had a key. Well, um, how are you?"

He laughed at my lame attempt to make conversation. He stood up and gave me his hand. "Fine Char." I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up a little too forcefully, making me crash into his chest. We fell backwards and I gasped. Then realizing what had happened I began smacking his head, repeatedly.

"Ow! Bloody hell, Char! What was that for?" He rubbed his head.

"Dumbass! You made me fall! I was doing so well. If it wasn't for you I would have won €50!" I groaned.

"What are you talking about?"

"I had a bet going with Todd; if I could go a month without falling he would give me €50! Damn it. I was a week away from winning!"

"Calm down I'll give you the €50 pounds, geez." He began to reach into his pocket when he seemed to realize something. "And who's Todd?" He spoke his name bitterly before standing up and glaring at me.

I chuckled. "Why? Are you jealous?" I smirked.

"No." He growled.

"Aw, you are jealous!" I began talking in my best baby voice. "The wittle baby is jealous." I pinched his cheeks.

He swatted my hand away and I giggled. "I told you. I. Am. Not. Jealous. Now, who the hell is Todd, Charlotte!"

"Then why do you want to know so badly?" I smiled coyly. Ignoring his question.

He grabbed my wrist and forcefully pulled me towards him. "Who. Is. He." He demanded.

I grinned. "Brit's boyfriend." I quirked my eyebrow at him and saw a blush arise from his cheek. Embarrassed he released his grip on my wrist and stepped away from me and turned, clearing his throat.

"So... I, uh, called a moving truck. They'll get the rest of your stuff. You ready?"

And just like that our conversation shifted once again. I guess it was what we always did when conversing. I loved that about him when we were together, we could talk about anything easily and freely for hours.

"For what?"

He chuckled. "For you," he pointed at me, "to move in with," he then proceeded to point at himself, "me."

"I'm moving in with you?" I honestly didn't even think about how Harry was going to help me with my predicament. I mean, I knew that Anne was going to call Harry but I didn't ponder the fact that I would actually move in with him.

"Yeah, you are. Unless you'd prefer to live in some sketchy motel while you look for a place."

I scrunched up my nose in disgust. "Ew, no. Do you know how many prostitutes have probably done their 'business' in there?"

Harry chuckled at my words. "Charlotte, they aren't renting the room to use the bathroom. They're using it to exchange sexual favors for money."

"I know. I'm not a child. That's what I meant." I stuck out my tongue.

All of a sudden Harry grabbed my tongue and smirked. "Uhm, not a child I see."

"Outh! Let go o' my tong'"

"What was that?" He held his hand to his ear. "I can't seem to understand you." I glared at him. "Take off my thong? Gladly." He smirked.

I pushed him off me and he released my tongue. I scoffed. "As if, you lascivious creep."


"Yes. Lascivious. It means expressing lust."

"I wasn't expressing lust!" He defended.

"Oh yeah, because taking off a thong is so nonchalant."

"For me it is." He winked.

I scoffed. "Fuck off. Come on let's go."

He chuckled. "Alright. We'll go." He grabbed my bags and walked out of the door. When we got to the living room I saw Brit on the couch with her head hung low. She tugged on her hair, an act I've seen her do when frustrated. Her head snapped up when she heard us walk in, her eyes meeting mine.

"Charlotte!" She ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug. "I'm sorry, I-I really am. I didn't mean what I said about your mo-" I stopped her right there. "She is not my mom, Brit. She never was and never will be." Her eyes widen at my response and she begins apologizing profusely, again.

"It's okay, Brit. I'm fine. Really, I have to go now." She nodded her head. I began walking out the door towards the apartment complex's hallway where Harry stood. I remembered something and quickly turned around. "Oh, and tell Todd that I lost and that I owe him €50."

She looked puzzled and then realization crossed her features. She smiled and nodded. "I will. Goodbye Char. Visit sometime?" She asked cautiously.

I nodded unsure. "Maybe."


And with that I slammed the door shut.

Thank you so much to everyone who has taken there time to read this story and everyone who voted and commented. It means so much to me :)

This is one of my favorite chapters, I hope you like :D

Also, lascivious is pronounced la•se•ve•es

Comment, vote, fan! :)


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