The Marriage Project [Part 2]

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Well, I've survived the rest of the day. Only 6 more to go.

I walked in the house, instantly getting a stare down. Oh, right... I told dad I was getting married today. Yup.

"School project." I said hastily, before anyone could say anything. I went over to the fridge and opened it, the cool breeze hitting me in the face quickly for a second before it stopped and melted in with the rest of the warm air.

I pulled out the cherry pie and set it on the counter, grabbing a plate and fork soon after. I cut an oozing piece and plopped it down on my plate, scooping up the remainder cherries and sauce, putting it on top of the crust. I put the pie back into the fridge and grabbed the plate, sitting down at the table. My mouth watered to the extreme, but then someone just had to call, didn't they?

Ring! Ring!




I huffed and heaved myself away from the luscious pie and muttered to myself as I grabbed the phone, looking at who was calling. The caller ID said 'Hayden'. I pressed the green button and answered.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, sitting back down at the table and taking a small bite of the zesty-sweetness that was in front of me, only to make my mouth water more.

"Hey... Could I come over?" He asked as something fell on his side. I lightly laughed, only imaging what could be going on right now.

"Sure, why not?" I said, it turned more into a question than a statement.

"Alright, be there in five." He replied. The dial tone went and I hung up as well, setting the phone down beside the plate that held my pie. Gosh I love cherry pie.

Hayden lives a few houses down from me which makes his 'be there in five' actually be 'be there in five, or sooner depending.' Sofia on the other hand lives farther from me, only by about 5-10 minutes farther. Pretty sweet, right?

I took the last piece of pie and shoved it in my mouth, smiling in satisfaction. Defiantly glad mom went outside after I explained the whole 'marriage' thing, otherwise she'd be scolding me about my eating habits.

I put my plate in the sink along with other grimy dishes. It's quite scary, actually, because there are only four of us in the house; mom, dad, and my younger brother, Ryder, but there's got to be over 20 dishes in that sink by the end of the week. If mom's lucky.

I grabbed my backpack and went upstairs to my room to quickly change into something more comfortable. Soon after I changed my shirt to a grey t-shirt that had 'Tweedy' on the front, with a DJ system and hearts, saying 'Tweedy’s got us falling ❤'. It's quite comfortable I must say.

Soon after I heard a knock, a familiar knock at the front door. I flew down the stairs and to the front door, opening it while smiling.

Hello!" I said, happily as Hayden shot me a half smile and walked in. I shut the door and walked behind him to the living room where he sat down on the couch.

"What's up?" I asked, sitting by the arm rest and cuddling a pillow to my chest, looking straight at him.

"Well, it's about this project," he started looking over at me. "I've heard about it. But this is totally not my kind of studying..." He said, fidgeting with his fingers; mostly his thumbs.

"Yeah, so?" I asked, raising one of my bushy eyebrows.

"What if we flunk this because of me? I mean I'm used to books and writing and building. Not this." He replied back.

"Hey, no sweat okay? We're not going to flunk this. I don't see how anyone could. So stop worrying!" I said, setting the pillow back down and standing up. He simply nodded, looking like he was in deep thought.

Hayden is not a geek, or a nerd, but he does believe in good grades and staying on the teacher's good side. He hopes to go to college and study to be either a vet, or an archeologist. He thinks it'd be cool to dig up bones and study them; like a puzzle. You find all the pieces to a puzzle, or animal, and put them together hoping to get a picture.

I stared at him for a few seconds longer before I broke the silence. "Want some pie? It's cherry." I said, wiggling my eyebrows.

He lightly hummed as I rolled my eyes and snapped a finger in front of him. “Yo, Hayden. Do you want some pie?” I asked, enunciating jokingly.

“O-oh, yeah sure.” He said, still lost in thought. I rolled my eyes again then shuffled over to the fridge, opening it again and grabbing the cold container that held the mouth-watering cherry pie.

I placed a heaping piece of pie onto his plate and put the remaining back into the refrigerator. Then I walked back out to the living room to where Hayden’s face is written ‘worried and thought’ all over. The plate I had in my hands, I placed in front of him.

“It’s not like he’s going to write something really awkward on the wheel and make us like kiss or something in front of the class.” I said. More like sighed out. Although he could, Oh crap please no. Talk about awkward.

He lightly nodded, almost into the pie, but I quickly zoomed the plate out of the way before anything messy happened. He grabbed the plate from my hands and started digging in, stuffing his mouth more in thought than actually realization of what he was doing. I sighed lightly to myself and plopped back onto the couch.

“So, now what? I’m sure Sofia’s probably out with Trevor having a grand old time.” I said, furrowing my eyebrows together and staring out towards the television deep in thought. Boy am I jealous.

It was Hayden’s turn to roll his eyes now as he stuffed his face with the home-made pie. “Jade, we can have a fine time without Sofia and her stupid ‘husband'.” He said through a full mouth, talking out of the corner of his lips as the food almost sprayed on me and the vocal action vibrated towards my ear drums.

“But…! T-Trevor’s…!” I couldn’t find the right words to say.

“Trevor’s a dumbo; I mean the only smart thing is his muscles and looks. That’s it. Hopefully he’ll get through life fine, because he certainly isn’t getting through school easily.” He mused out, I could almost feel Hayden smirking to himself and shaking his head.

I let it slide.

This time.

“How about we watch a movie and sit on the couch?” He asked, nodding to himself before adding. “With a bowl of popcorn and some pop like a real movie theater?”

“Okay, sure.” I got up, going to the kitchen to pop some popcorn. I came back out about 10 minutes later with a freshly popped bowl of popcorn. Hayden had already gotten the movie and stuck it in. I sat down on the couch beside him with the popcorn bowl in my lap and smiled lightly. I loved these best friend moments. Hayden grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around us, cuddling into a light hug as I smiled more. Yup, definitely love these best friend moments.

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