The Marriage Project [Part 8]

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He smiled at me before he took a deep breath, closed his eyes and opened his lips slightly. The anxiety of waiting those few seconds made me want to know more and more by the second. As I watched his lips moving, I heard his voice vibrate out to me as I listened.

"Jade...Will you-will you please... G-go out with me?" He asked, lightly and shyly smiling as if getting ready to expect the worst. I smiled at him softly.

"Yes, yes I'll go out with you." I answered, my voice coming out softer than I thought and more high pitched. My head was not only pounding from pain, but from excitement. I didn't know what to expect, I also don't know what to expect now.

"Okay," He grinned, his smile spread from ear to ear. "Tomorrow? Around 6:30?"

I smiled and nodded before he leaned over and kissed my cheek softly. The shivers spread through my body from the air conditioning hitting my skin, but also from the soft tenderness of how the kiss was. I got out, the cool air hitting my skin and giving me more goose bumps as I smiled and waved, closing the door and walking inside.


The next day lingered longer than usual, the anticipation of the date tonight filled the air, tickling my nose and making my stomach do back flips. The way my brain was clicking made everything around me blurry, I couldn't concentrate on anything, I almost didn't hear my teachers calling out my name. The only thing that was on my brain was weather or not this date would go well.

The day sleeked along like a snail would. It slowly inched along as a turtle - the speediness had gone from fast forward to slow motion. The way the day slid past annoyed me horribly so.

"Damn day." I muttered to myself softly as I frowned and grabbed my books for my very last class - Health. Somehow I was looking forward to the next class, though.

As I walked in and took my usual seat - by Hayden - things seemed to pick up speed ever so slightly. As Hayden and I looked at each other, things were different. I could see worriment and sparkle glazing over Hayden's eyes. Suddenly I heard my name along with Hayden's to which I was ever so rudely interrupted in my doodling on my notebook.

I got up as Hayden took the lead and walked down to the wheel. The twins we've taken care of over the past few days have really grown on me. Suddenly everything piled up in files in my head as they scattered around and fluttered by me. It's as if I haven't realized something - something important.

This past week has been amazing and fun. The past week has shown me so much in so little time. Trevor can be Sofia's - I have some one new; someone... Someone better. Hayden and I spun the wheel. Soon we were back at our cold, wooden desks as the others spun the wheel. Mr. Howe talked to us about "proper dating" - pretty big coincidence there, huh? I thought so too.

The bell finally rang. I mentally did the happy dance as I eased myself out the door and grabbed my things before I went home and got ready.

I barged into my room, basically panicking, as I tore my dresser apart. I finally found something I could deal with for a date - since it was cold - no dresses. I went into the bathroom with my clothes, some makeup, and shoes. I turned on the water as I stripped down to nothing and took my hair tie out and put it on the side of the sink. I hopped in, the hot water stinging my cold body and boiling it until I got used to the heat.

Finally I stepped out, wrapping my body in a towel and my hair also in one as I un-steamed the glass mirror that was in front of me with a hand towel and rubbing it until I could see myself. I applied water proof makeup - always good to be on the safe side in case it starts raining or something - and started with my mascara and going on from there, making a natural, but pink, smokey eyed effect. Next I put a bit of foundation on to cover up some devilish pimples and put some light blush on. Finally I put on a peachy pink lip gloss that smelled like strawberries - I loved that lip gloss, it's my favorite.

I slipped my underclothing on quickly as the coolness was seeping in through the door crack on the bottom of the door and chilling me. I slid on my pair of light, pastel pink skinny jeans. Since it was cold out, I put on a sweater that had a bunny on it - it was also pink, but adorable - I love bunnies. The fuzzy warmth that the sweater gave me made me more relaxed. I lightly smiled to myself as I put on some socks and then my high-tops on that had cheetah print on the sides. I grabbed a pair of pink feather earrings and placed them in the holes that were on my ear lobes - usually I don't like pink things, but I liked this outfit. It really worked on me.

For once.

I finished the outfit off with a pink watch and stood up, looking at myself in the full-sized mirror. To be honest, I actually approved for once. I think I might wear pinks like this more often. I grabbed my purse and almost tripped down the stairs from flying down them, my brain moving faster than my feet - the stairs coming sooner than expected. As I ran to the door, I heard a knock just as I was going to place my palm on the cold brass door handle. I smiled and silently squealed to myself - I honestly didn't think this would ever happen. Last week I would have never imagined myself in this position, getting ready to go on a date with my best guy friend. I smiled lightly and turned the door, opening it and revealing an excited Hayden. I smiled as he took my hand and we walked to his car.

To be honest I have to say, Hayden looked pretty attractive. He was wearing dark blue - almost black - skinny jeans and a white top with a dark blue blazer. As he got to his car, he opened the door for me as he smiled.

"Thank you," I said, smiling again and sitting down on the car seat. He nodded, winked ever so lightly, closed the door, than walked quickly around the front of the car and got into his car. He turned on the engine to a purring noise, which soon lead to us pulling away from my house and on the road going to wherever he was taking us.

As I watched the colors fly by, I realized - not only would I have never imagined myself in this position, like ever, but time was trickling though our fingers and sliding away slyly and swiftly. It's as if time is water seeping through your palms and falling back down the drain. It's only a matter of time until we graduate. It's also a matter of time until fall turns into winter.

The leaves were turning from green to a gold-ish yellow tinge. Some trees tried having their own gradient with the yellow and orange mixing ever so brilliantly. The trees in splotches randomly were a brilliant, dark red that shown out as their own. Some trees remained with their green leaves while others changed and complimented the green.

Before I knew it we were at a little hill. A picnic basket was placed on top of a checkered blanket with the plates and forks were across from each other. Hayden parked and got out, opening my door soon after. I looked at the little spot and stared back at him with a grin tickling the ends of my lips daring them to stay straight.

"I feel under dressed now." I stated, the grin slowly forming into a slight frown as I furrowed my eyebrows together lightly.

"No you didn't, Jade. You're always beautiful." He replied, smiling and swooping me off of my feet into a bridal style hold and walked over to the picnic spot. The sun was setting, blurring in with the mass of colorful trees.

He set me down gently and smiled before he went and sat in his own spot. I supported my weight slightly on my left arm to which I was leaning on. The cool breeze swept through my hair and flung it gently away from my face as I examined the gorgeous scenery that was before us. I smiled in bewilderment; the colors clashed together so well.

The sky held light blue with yellows and oranges, streaked with reds and grey and white clouds splotched in. The trees in the distance looked like orange, yellow, red, and green blurs that squished together so well. A faint star glistened in the distance of the sunset making it more original and beautiful. I smiled as I looked back over at Hayden, his eyes were locked on me. I blushed slightly and looked down a little.

"The sunset is beautiful, isn't it?" I asked, looking back at him - locking our eye gazes together.

"Yeah, yeah you are..." He quickly caught himself before he changed it. "I mean yeah, yeah it is..... But you're more beautiful."

I blushed and let a light giggle come from my lips before we began eating.

This night...

Is the best night....



AAAAAAAWWWWWWW!!! *swoons with you* Soooooo cccuuuttteeee. <3_<3 ^~^ Well, this is finished FINALLY OMFG I FEEL SO BAD! ._. I was so stuck with this part, but I guess I figured it out, right? ;p Oh, btw, 3 parts left to this short story - I'm really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really sorry it's coming to an end! But I guess all books at some point have to, right? :( 

Oh! And once I'm done with this book, I'll be posting LPaG officially! :) My Tumblr Love will get updates here and there, but it's on hold again. :/ I'm superty duperty sorry all you MTL people! :( But I will finish it one day! I just need to figure out the parts.

Well, enough of this rambling and more writing! I shall see you soon my lovelies. c: *waves* UNTIL NEXT TIME!!!

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