The Marriage Project [Part 6]

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I fumbled for my words that now were stuck in my throat by sticky, thick glue that was getting some sort of after taste. The lump in my throat started forming as I swallowed hard. How the freaking frick frack am I supposed to reply to THAT?! I finally began to know what to say as the realization creeped through my scull and hit me like a wrecking ball.

"H-Hayden...I-I..." I started, but it all felt too awkward for me. The way we kissed, the way he asked... The way how I felt nothing at all when he kissed me.

I felt horrible. I felt terrible.

I ran. I ran away from answering him, I ran away from my problems... I ran.

The thoughts seemed to drown me as the pain of realization stung at my heart. What if I did feel something, but I just didn't have long enough to figure it out? What if I just ran away and ruined everything? My thoughts rambled through my head as I didn't see where I was going and tripped on a crease in the sidewalk and went tumbling down, scraping half of the skin away from my knee. The pain seeped through and tickled every inch of my body. The over-thinking gave me a massive head ache. Tears stung my eyes as I sat there, crying out everything. I cried. I cried so hard I laid down and didn't hear a pair of sneakers lightly but swiftly crunching on the sidewalk.

"JADE!" A voice cried out in distraught. My crying over-whelmed me. I didn't know what to do, except keep crying. Suddenly a pair of hands picked up my head and half of my body up, cradling it into his chest. Hayden's chest.

I buried my head in his chest as much as possible as I cried. The pain over whelmed me as I started feeling light headed and looked up at him through my teary eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, Hayden. I-I think... I think I might probably like you." I managed to blurt out through my hysterical crying. Soon I felt worse. I slowly started to chill out... Before things got fuzzy and my eyes started rolling behind my eyelids. I heard Hayden start to cry as he hoisted me up and started running. The wind seeped through my horrible scrape and stung even worse. The pain slowly creeped to every limb of me as I faded in and out, starting to black out.


"It's all my fault!" I heard a sob. The darkness was over-whelming me. The pain was still there - still too much to bare. I couldn't lift my eyelids open, but I could hear things. I heard an annoyingly loud beeping in my left ear, and in the other ear I heard a conversation going on. I could hear the concern in two voices. I could hear the doctor trying to calm them down.

"She's going to be fine." The doctor - I assumed - said.

"But what if she's not?! She's been out for a day now!" A frantic voice said.

I've been out for a day? A day?! ...Seriously?

"That's normal - she lost a lot of blood from her knee and she was in pain, so we gave her something to let her rest longer." The doctor said again.

I heard a pair of shoes walking over beside my bed. I wanted to cry out - I knew who it was. I wanted to open my eyes and look into his and tell him I was alright. I wanted... I wanted to tell him...

I like him.

I tried moving my eyes, at least lifting my heavy eye lids. Nothing worked. I tried parting my lips, but the dryness kept them stuck together like tape. I tried everything, but the pain was still there. I finally managed to move my eyes back and forth slowly. I heard a person sit up quickly and come closer to me, clasping my small hand in his big one.

"J-Jade...?" His husky voice was concerned, I could feel the emotion escape his lips and hit me hard in the face. I tried moving my eyes again but almost started panting. I was worn out. I was tired and weak.

He shushed me as he took a lock of my light brown hair and placed it gently behind my ear.

"Don't strain yourself, Jade." He whispered to me as he kept his grip on my hand. I tried wrapping my fingers around his, to which it worked to some extent. He kissed my hand - I felt the salty, watery tears that had dripped onto my hand. I felt a tear slowly trickle down my cheek as he wiped it away softly with his large thumb. He comforted me like he always did. He talked to me soothingly as I rested.

Suddenly my eye lids flung open, everything was blurry. I blinked a few times, trying to focus on something - a face. Hayden's face.

He smiled instantly as he looked into my eyes. But suddenly his smile faded and he looked down. I groaned a bit, trying to pull his face up so I could fully see him again, he hesitantly looked into my eyes again. I pulled him closer, locking our lips together again.

This time I felt something.

It was a little spark that needed some lighting, but I felt it. I smiled against his lips as I pulled away softly.

"Hayden...?" My soft, cracking voice broke to him.

"Yes, Jade?" He asked softly.

"I think I like you." I answered softly, still peering into his eyes as a tear erupted from his, his smile broke across his face as he kissed me again softly.


DAAAWWWHHH! SO COOTE! Hade's gots some goins ons now. c: What do ya think 'bout that? XD Well, I suppose off to part 7... I'm really workin here o_o updated twice in one day!? Whew! XD

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