The Marriage Project [Part 11] ; Ending

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I walked into health class - the last day of the marriage project was upon us - and sat down in my seat with the essay paper in my hands. I felt clammy and sweaty; a part of me didn't want it to end... But yes, please end.

The kids came up, one after another, and read their essays out loud. I gripped the paper, tensing more and more. Suddenly Mr. Howe's voice called Hayden and I's names. We trudged up to the front of the class as I held the paper and looked up at him; he was already looking down at me as I gulped and stared at the paper.

I don't like speaking in front of an entire class. Not to mention a teacher too. I sighed as I started reading it. Slowly I let my shyness and nervousness leave my body as I read.

"And so to end this, what this project helped us figure out is friendship is very important - not only in relationships with your friends - but to keep that friendship going strong as you travel through the 'marriage project' in the first few years of it until you get used to marriage. Finding a good best friend is amazing, but finding a good best partner in marriage is even better. You have to work through your problems and forgive each other. But most importantly, love each other."

Everyone clapped - especially Mr. Howe. "That deserves an A+! Good job you two," He stated, as if he was about to continue. Which he was. "See class? This is the kind of pair I wanted to see. You two may go take a seat now."

We both blushed, the rosy red rising in our cheeks as we walked back to our seats and sat down.

We continued with the essays and then it was time. Time for Mr. Howe to hand us papers telling us how we did and what our grades were. Each one got a little 'Good job' or 'You really should have tried harder' or 'Nice try's... But when he got to Hayden and I... It was a whole different thing.

"Now, for one certain couple," He started, walking back and forth slowly. "They had the best essay report, best chemistry, and best over-all everything. They are the best of this project that I've ever seen in my years of experience. They should be roll models for students to come - for the marriage project. But everyone is different, so it could just turn into a disaster.

"And who I am talking about is the glorious Miss. Jade and Mr. Hayden. They deserve an A plus, and that is exactly what I'm giving them. Great job you two!" He finished off by walking up to our seats and handing us - each - a paper with a big, fat red A+ with a big, fat, red circle surrounding it. I stared at it.

A plus?! We got an a plus?! What?


After health class we got out of class and raced to our lockers. Hayden smirked to himself as he waited for me to finish. Something was up - what could it possibly be?

Finally I maneuvered myself over to him and looked up at him, locking our gazes.

"Come with me." He whispered, grinning and baring those white teeth. I suddenly saw things. Things I hadn't noticed before.

Hayden's blueish-grey eyes held a sparkle to them when he looked at me. His smile was catchy; you just had to smile when he did. His smile was just adorable. The slight crinkles by his eyes from laughing so much completed his happy face. Those pink lips were formed perfectly, shaped for another's lips to touch softly and kiss for minutes while enjoying every minute of it. The way his body was shaped was almost perfect - masculine but not too pumped.

And this time when I checked him out... It felt alright. It felt right to. I wasn't embarrassed from it; neither was he.

I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled lightly at him as I nodded. His big hand slid its way down my wrist softly and found its way to my hand, entwining our fingers together as we walked out of the school building and to his car.

The whole way to wherever he was taking us was silent. Silent but pleasant. His hand grasped mine with a gentle but firm hold; as if, if he let go he might lose me. I gripped his as well, smiling to myself as I stared at our entwined fingers locking together and fitting in the spaces as if they were made for each other.

Soon we arrived to a little hillside that was by some train tracks. The trees blew softly from the wind as a few golden yellow and orange leaves fluttered down to the ground gracefully. My eyes suddenly found their way to Hayden's eyes as we stared at each other's eyes for a while; as if they were some sort of mesmerizing lights that shown brightly. Hayden broke the gaze by slowly leaning forwards - towards me.

I found myself eagerly leaning towards him, as well. Shortly our foreheads met as, yet again, we looked into each other's eyes. The way his blueish-grey orbs radiated off so much love gave me goose bumps and soft butterflies of nervousness flying about in my stomach. Our breathing collided together in sync as I looked slowly down from his eyes to his slightly parted lips.

Suddenly, before I knew it, our lips met. My eyes closed automatically as I let go of our tight hold on each other's hand and slid it to the back of his head. My fingertips were playing with his thick brown hair gently as the ends of his hair tickled the palms of my hands as I messed it up lightly.

One of his hands found its way to my cheek and cupped it ever so gently, sending shivers down my back from the softness. His other found its way to the back of my head. As we sat in his car, leaning across from our seats to reach each other's soft pink lips, the kiss seemed to deepen. The emotions flew from our lips freely as we kissed harder and harder, deepening the kiss only more.

Soon we both pulled away, our chests rising and falling frantically as our breaths hitched from panting. That kiss was what books are biased upon. What movies thrive for. What people search desperately to find - the certain person to share that magical, special kiss with.

Suddenly I was caught off guard as Hayden leaned forward and softly kissed my forehead before pulling away and looking at me directly.

"Jade, we've known each other since we were in diapers," he paused to chuckle lightly at his statement before he continued seriously. "we know each other like the back of our hands. But we've only been friends - true, best friends - but I want to be able to call you mine. Jade... Would you be my girlfriend? Even if it doesn't work out, at least I can say I tried. At least I'll be able to say that at one time I called you 'mine'."

My heart fluttered faster and faster as my mind leaped forward. My stomach had butterflies flying back and forth faster than ever; it felt like a tornado of butterflies were tossing and turning my stomach into a knot. My face lit up as my smile on my face grew and grew until I was baring my teeth.

"Yes, yes I'll be your girlfriend, Hayden." I said after a while of just sitting there smiling and letting it register through my head.

Hayden's face lit up like a brand new light bulb as he leaned over and kissed me again.

Suddenly, in the distance, we heard a train whistle. We pulled away from each other and hopped out while grinning and scooted ourselves onto the hood of his car and sat - back to the windshield - waiting for the train to come. As we waited, Hayden brought me to his side and held me close as we watched the leaves blow around on the brisk autumn day.

But that was only the beginning of our new adventure. Or so they say in those books.

A/N --- ;

ASDFGHJKL IMAGINING THAT SCENE IN MY HEAD AND SQUEALING TO MYSELF. Okay, not being vain or anything, but if I do say so myself... That is a pretty darn good ending.

Sadly this story is over, but it was fun writing it and experimenting things. c:

So, please comment - yes even the ones who are invisible and totally not into commenting - and tell me what you think of The Marriage Project! :)

Also - I've started a new book! XDD It's called Let's Play a Game. :) Go check it out if you want! And while you're at it... Check out my bestie's book, Painted Hearts. She needs more reads. I PROMISE YOU SHALL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!! Oh, and... My other bestie has two epic books, 11:11, and her non-fanfic book, The Trapped Soul. :) Don't be lazy - GO READ THEM!

Well, that's all! :) Thank you all so much for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it!

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