Chapter 1: Her <3

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Look at her isn't she just adorable putting her books in her locker...I just wish my senpai would notice me, it's been what now...3 years I have been crushing on Emma? Oh...Wow isn't that a long time....And the funny thing is she is the only girl I have ever truly loved......whenever I think about her...the thought about thinking about her just makes me act all soft and weird. But I guess that's "young love" right? Well i'm not technically "young" I'm 16..but i'm not old either, lets just say I'm inbetween. Not one word can explain my feelings for Emma or how much I care about her neither how much I want to compliment how she looks today, Just her hair looks so good when its down, it's not too long neither too short it's not to straight neither too curly...its her!

Should I just go and say hi? I mean what do I have too loose?

As I started to walk towards Emma my heart was beating faster and faster, that's a clear sign showing I'm insanely in love also it's a clear sign showing i'm panicking.... see this is what I mean when I said Emma makes me act all "weird" and "soft". But to be honest why am I even dating Maddie? Like I find Maddie annoying, immature, a hoe well actually s thirsty hoe and a god damn bitch!

But everyone knows why she is dating word to describe it is basically "popularity" and her "reputation". To be honest...Maddie doesn't really care about love or having feelings for someone to be specific she doesn't care about the topic" love". She just cares about fashion.

To be honest I hate girls like that. I love girls who can dress up but also dress down. Yeah it is fun to go on fancy dates and dress up nicely but sometimes I just enjoy a bit of Netflix and chill. But for example, Emma, in my opinion she looks hot 24,7 but sometimes Emma doesn't give a fuck on how she looks.


Should I say something?! you know what,'s now or never ,I better make my decision know what I will make the first move and what do I have to loose? I will straight up talk to her

"Hey Emma, You alright?" I say casually

"Oh hi ye i'm good thank about you?" Emma says,

damn her British accent makes her look and sound cuter and cuter

"I'm good I guess" I say while staring into her big hazel eyes, I love her eyes, there an amazing colour and there nice and big.

Emma looks gorgeous. Should I compliment her....would that make me sound desperate? you know what I don't care....

"Um...Emma I just wanted to say you look really pretty" I say while staring at her lips.

"Awh thank you Jason" she says while blushing into a bright red, a bright red just like Emma's red vans. I cant believe I made Emma blush, that's quite an achievement for me....I deserve an applause.

Oh shit....bells gone on such a good moment.

"oh no I gotta go to class" Emma says while hesitating

"oh..okay...I hope to see you around" I say with a sad face

"Yeah me too" she says while walking to the chemistry lab

So okay from a scale from 1 to 10 I think I did pretty good like I'll rate myself a solid 7.The only thing left is break up with that arrogant whore, so I can move on to a better life with the girl of my dreams and then I'm all good to go. To be very surprised how Emma didn't take it as a "akward thing" we are in the same geography class which is 2 times a week and we are on the same level...but Emma only started georgraphy class like a month ago....Well I have no complains im happy it turned out better than I imagined and that it wasn't awkward. In like a week we will be bonding and in a few weeks we will be best friends and in a couple of months we will be dating I can feel and see this all happening. Right I was supposed to go class 20 minutes ago....but what did I do...I was day dreaming...walking just around the school in my own little actual reality hit me...As i'm walking to class I'm still thinking about Emma. Not gonna lie....but if another lie asks her out I will....god knows what I will do...just whatever I will do it aint gonna be fun to watch nor think about.....No way in hell did I ever ever ever ever ever ever think I would be a guy who cries on the fact of loosing a girl...

"OH SHIT 35 MINUTES PASSED" I yell loud...louder than I expected

you know what....I'm just gonna skip class....what's the point of sitting in class for 10 minutes with a whole bunch of annoying dweebs....also I have maths so who cares....also....I know when I go in class everyone will be looking at me like I just killed a serial killer....and once I enter the classroom I will be sent to the principal's office for "arriving late" so who cares I'm only skipping one lesson it won't kill anyone.

As I walk down the corridors I ended up outside the cafeteria so I get my phone out because there is free wifi. As soon as I pulled my phone out Maddie...yes...Maddie...from the middle of hell ended up behind me gossiping...(like always)..about some girl that wore the same socks like her at gym. I try to hide....actually no I will straight up break up with her and end this shit now....What is the point of doing it through text? I aint no asswhole. So I go up to Maddie's group of 2 faced-bitches and drag her to the aisle of abandoned lockers so I'm not interrupted with loads of questions and also I don't want anyone ease-dropping. I will admit I did grab her wrist pretty hard so she was moaning but all I cared about right now was to end this with Maddie.

"JASON!" Maddie yells

"WHAT!" I yell back harder

Maddie darling the last thing you want to do right now is piss me off....otherwise I will promise you that....shit will get real....and things won't be pretty


I know now that we will get everyone's attention and that's the last thing I want


"oh baby what you on about" Maddie says like a demonic angel....this is why I hate Maddie she is just so fake...

" breaking up with you..." I Say looking inside but inside I'm like fuckkk yeahhhh im finally free from this devil...although to be honest the only reason why I didn't break up with her is that cuz I am not a selfish kinda person and im not that type of person to break girls is feelings....I hate when I get girls...or anyone in general upset. Back to Maddie she isn't pretty much doing anything for sure she is planning on something if she's planning on insulting me or saying lies about me behind my back...then wrong way on the highway honey. Now I'm looking at Maddie in her eyes...straight into her green eyes.....she still isn't doing anything....Oh wait I'm wrong she is getting her phone out...oh I know what she will do...let me take a wild guess...for sure she will go on Twitter and say something like "single" with a kissy face emoji...yes im correct cuz as soon as she walked off doing her "Maddie walk" I got a few notifications on my phone from Facebook and Twitter saying that Maddie tweeted "single" and on Facebook she has updated her timeline to "cute boys I'm free".Well by like tomorrow Maddie will have a boyfriend and hopefully the gossip of us breaking up will get old...I want the news to spread up to a certain point...that certain point is Emma. That reminds me... another reason why I hate Maddie is because she uses guys like dominoes, if one doesn't work out she will just go to the next one in long as he's good looking she doesn't care. If not a guy in our school then a guy in any other schools. But like imagine this....and I think its reality because we are talking about Maddie right now...I feel like when Maddie gets married (If Maddie ends up getting married) the next day she will ask for a divorce because Maddie is a bitch like that.


Updated 1554 words....been writing this chapter for a couple of weeks now I don't update on a certain day like I have no schedule...I haven't started the second chapter yet I will start it tomorrow (hopefully) sorry if there's spelling mistakes im not be honest im far from that..most of all I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and if you have any advice or any heart warming thoughts please leave them in the comments it will mean a lot ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Eliana XX <3

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