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Chapter 6 "The red haired girl, Karen"

I tossed and turned, the sun peered it's way through my window. I felt the bed sheets were falling towards the ground. I leaned over and breathed the bed sheets. I peeked one eye open.

Looking around I realised I was in my room. Wait how did I get here? I sat upwards and pushed the covers away from my body. Wasn't I in lounge last night? Think Ginny think! I got up and went straight towards the bathroom, brushed my teeth and changed into a tank top and shorts. I walked downstairs to see that Harry was up as I heard him playing with Teddy. I leaned against the door frame to see Harry tickling Teddy, aw I thought.  "Morning Gin I mean Lisa" Harry greeted. You all must wonder why I was cold with Harry. It's simple he's engaged! How am I supposed to act when the one I love is running off with another girl? Should I be happy? I don't even know. Deep down I wish it was me rather than Cho.  "Hi" I decided to be at least civil. "I brought you up to bed last night " Harry smiled. He put Teddy on his playing chair and walked towards me. "Thanks" I mumbled. Harry nodded as he walked straight past me. He went into the kitchen while I greeted a very happy Teddy.

For the next few hours Harry was really odd. He didn't have breakfast with Teddy and I, instead he ate it outside.  I didn't press the matter when asking why he didn't join. He just shrugged.

During the afternoon Teddy was taking a nap while Harry was cleaning outside and I was making Dinner. I wasn't allowed owl any one but I did send a brief owl to Hermione seeking help. I was still waiting on her reply. It was all about Harry.
Harry entered later that evening, "Gin--",Harry started to speak when there was a knock on the door.  Harry looked at me and I stared back at him. The knock grew louder and Harry approached the door. He slowly reached for his wand as did I. "Ethan, its me!" The voice of a woman spoke. "Karen?" Harry muttered.  Karen? Who the bloody hell is Karen? And how the heck did she find our location. I looked at Harry whose cheeks were tingling a bit pink and I raised both brows at him. "Your explaining later Potter" but before I could go further Harry opened the door to a girl who about our age, she had red hair. Brown eyes and she was pretty. Okay she was beautiful. She held a bag in her left hand. "Karen?" Harry smiled much to my dismay. I gave Harry a death glare and he awkwardly smiled back. "Hey Ethan, I just wanted to pop by and give you this" she smiled and I just wanted to slap her smile off her pretty little face. Calm Ginny calm! "Um hi, I'm Karen" the girl turned towards me and I gave her a fake smile back. "Lisa" I smiled. Fake. "Thanks Karen all this paperwork already?" Harry laughed slightly. "Yeah well the boss Reid wanted you to feel home" she joked back as she battered her brows in a flirting manner. I looked at Karen and Harry and felt rather put out. Damn Harry for his good looks! Damn this Karen girl for her looks too! Oh I would hex her if I could. "Tea?" Harry asked as he invited Karen in. I gave Harry another glare but he ignored it.

Hex her Ginny! Gowan...

I slowly drew my wand out but for some odd reason I couldn't.

Your jealous a voice rang in my head.

No!!! I screamed back in my mind.

Yes you are! You love Potter still the voice roared louder.

"So Lisa, how long have you and Ethan been married" Karen's sweet voice asked me. I looked at Harry as he made tea. "Er 4 years dear?" I called out to Harry for backing me up. "Yeah" Harry smiled towards me. I got up and gave a smile towards Karen. Then I went to the kitchen to elbow Harry. "Ouch! What the heck?" Harry whispered loudly. "That's for not telling me about Karen!" I gave him a glare and then walked out with three cups. "So Karen how do you know my husband" Karen gave me a confused look, "I work with him" she stated. Harry entered with a pot of tea, biscuits and something else.

Harry's POV

"Ouch what the heck was that for?" I held my side where Ginny elbowed me. She seemed really put out and I needed to talk to her. "That's for not telling me about Karen" well I would of if she talked to me. Ginny gave me one final glare before going out to Karen. "So how do you know my husband" Ginny asked and I rolled my eyes. But suddenly it clicked. Ginny's jealous it makes sense. Karen is pretty but Ginny is stunning. So now all I have to do is get rid of Karen and then talk to Ginny.

I entered with business documents, biscuits and a tea pot. Ginny wiggled her brows at me and I winked at her. I then sat beside Ginny and took her hands rubbing circles in them. I heard Ginny take a slight intake and she couldn't complain while Karen was here. "So here are documents I finished" I handed the documents to Karen who smiled. "Well done Hunt" she giggled and I felt Ginny shift uncomfortably.

When Karen left which I was grateful mind you its just I wanted to talk to Ginny. Ginny made a move to go but I grabbed her elbow. "Let go" she spat. "Ginny please talk to me" I tried turning her around but she wouldn't budge. "She's a girl I work with and I just know her for a while. I would of told you but I didn't think it was important" I stated. Ginny still didn't move and I let go, "she's nothing compared to you" I muttered under my breath but Ginny caught it as she turned to face me. "What did you say?" I looked Ginny deep in her warm brown eyes and I could tell she wanted to do what I was thinking. Kiss me!! My mind screamed towards Ginny. No Potter! Turn away! I turned away and slowly walked towards the stairs, but before I reached the top I turned towards Ginny, "I'm sorry" and then I went straight to my room.


"Forever Mine" *Hinny One Shot* COMPLETEDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя