Turn of events

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❤️Does anyone else find this so cute or is it just me? Emma and Rupert❤️^^^^^^


No news yet but Christmas is coming up which means you need to spend more time with Miss Weasley. You have been invited to Karen's Christmas party and you along with Miss Weasley must attend. It is very essential you get to know Karen. We are keeping a very close eye on Karen she seems rather odd. Anyway you and Miss Weasley only have a couple of weeks left in this mission as we have Mr Ronald Weasley along with Mr Draco Malfoy on the case. If need in help there is a tracking device on your phone and there is a micro chip somewhere on little Teddy so if anything happens FIND HIM!

I finished reading. Karen's Christmas party? I wasn't really mad on going to this. Karen is great and all but she seemed to want to know too much about my "family". I sat thinking while I drank my butter beer. Karen showed up twice unannounced! "HARRY?" I heard Ginny call. I quickly threw myself up and advanced towards the noise. I grabbed my wand and "GINNY?" I shouted. "WHAT'S WRONG?" I roared. I heard noises from the bathroom and I quickly say "Alohorma" and it opened with a fling. Before I could register where Ginny was I heard screaming, "OH MY GOD HARRY COVER YOUR EYES!" Ginny screamed. My mouth opened at the sight of Ginny's naked body. She is perfect! I quickly shielded my eyes as I let my cheeks flush. "What's wrong?" I asked my heart beat raced and all I could think of was Ginny's body. Oh I ache to touch it. Her slim naked body and I wondered how she managed to keep it so perfect. Quidditch had been good, I never really fully appreciated her body, her beauty and mostly her personality.--- "Could--you get towels for me?" Ginny asked. I didn't say anything so I rushed the hell out of there. Within minutes I found soft cotton towels. I came back eyes not looking at Ginny's perfect body and handed the towels to her. "Thanks" she muttered and I left. Wow I thought. Why can't she be mine?

The hours past and to my surprise there was a knock on the door. Ginny came in, her hair up in a messy ponytail, she wore blue jeans and a white tank top. "Whose that?" Ginny whispered. She slowly walked towards the door, "We're not expecting any visits are we?" I asked her. Ginny shook her head, "where's Teddy?" I asked. "He is in my room asleep" I nodded and I gripped my wand firmly, Ginny peeked her head through the door hole and turned to face me. "It's Josh" I sighed and opened the door. "Hey guys" he smiled. "Josh what can we do for you?" He smiled and held a dress in one hand, "that's not for me right?" Josh chuckled, "if you want it" he joked back. He then threw a suit at men "for the party tomorrow night. Teddy has to go and I'll escort you" Josh smiled. I looked over at Ginny to see her looking at the dress, "thanks Josh" she smiled and walked off. "So did you make the move?" Josh asked. My eyes widened. "No!" I said outraged. "Come on Potter you really aren't that thick!" He spoke. "I'm not crazy but you two really like each other!"

"I don't know what your taking about" I said innocently. Josh let out a laugh, "your kidding me!" He rolled his eyes. "I see the way you look at her. You don't even look at Cho like that. You love her!" He almost roared but I slapped his arm. Hard. He let out a groan of pain. "Oui just because I'm telling the truth you didn't need to hit me" he rubbed his arm as he glared at me. I let out a laugh making him glare harder. "Shouldn't you be going?" I gestured to the door. "Nope. I'm crashing here tonight. It's awfully lonely down near my place" I let out a groan. "Can you even do that?" I asked. "Yeah boss said I could" he smiled wickedly.

"but there isn't any room" I said smirking. "Ah there is. I'll stay in your room" he smiled. And where am I going to stay? "And what about me?" I asked. "We'll it's either the couch or Ginny's room" he smiled evilly. "Don't do this to me" I complained. "Harry?" Ginny called out. "I will get you back for this!" I glared and went to see if Ginny was okay. "Ginny? Where are you?" I called. "My room" she replied. I walked fast up to her room and stopped outside her door. Knocking softly I waited for her to give me the signal to go in. I did not want a repeat of the bathroom incident, but---"Come in " I slowly turned the knob of her door and walked in, Ginny stood her naked back to me with the dress on hanging loosely. "Umm, you wouldn't zip me up?" She asked. I froze at the site of her naked back. This gave me a flash back to when we dated back at Bill and Fleur's wedding. I felt my knees go weak and with shaky hands I zipped it up slowly. She looking breath taking in the red dress. "You look stunning" I commented. "Thanks" Ginny replied. I finished zipping it up and backed away. "Am, Josh is staying tonight" I said with a rather annoyed look. Ginny looked at me confused, "he said he has to. He will be staying in my room" I explained.

"Oh okay, where will you be staying?" Ginny asked. "The couch" I replied.


Ginny's POV

Oh okay, where will you be staying?" I asked. "The couch" Harry replied. I was tempted to ask him to stay in my bedroom but that would be rather bold. The awkwardness filled the room. "Well I better naked sure Josh isn't eating a the food" Harry said. I looked away as he left. Should I of asked him to stay in my room?

There was a cry and I saw Teddy move around. I gently cradled little Teddy in my arms rocking back an forth. Humming a tune I heard with Harry back at Hogwarts. 

The evening went past, I had went to bed early but before hand I had made food for both Josh and Harry. Harry and Josh seemed to stay up as the night crept in. I later went to bed, but found it merely impossible to sleep. The thought of Harry sleeping on the small couch seemed to take my mind up. I looked over at the little clock that hung, 00:00. Midnight, I slowly got out of bed and grabbed my cloak, making my way towards Harry. I saw there was a candle lit. It was dark but the moon reflected light as it peered it's way threw. I tip toed down, I stopped abruptly as I saw a figure laying uncomfortably across the couch. His glasses lay on the coffee table next to him, his mouth hung slightly opened and his eyes tightly shut. He was so handsome. His messy hair was even messier and he had in fact no top on. I stared at his naked chest for God knows how long. I licked my lips as  my heart melted at the sight of how cute he was. He looked so peaceful. So calm. He started to stir in his sleep and I decided to wake him. I gently ran a hand threw his hair, this always woke him up. That's how I always woke him up during Hogwarts. We'll I would kiss him but that would be totally out of boundaries.

Harry's eyes fluttered open, he sat up straight words looking at me. "Ginny? Are you okay?" He asked so concerned. He looked around but then his eyes met mine again. "Come up to my room Harry you look so uncomfortable there" I whispered. Harry nodded surprisingly and got up. The blankets dropped revealing his boxers, he blushed so red that he stood out during the dark. I felt myself licked my lips but I needed to turn away. He quickly grabbed his cloak and followed me up.

When we reached my room Harry set himself down on the floor. "Harry?" I gave him a weird look. "What?"

"Don't be silly" I motioned for him to get into the bed and he nervously did. My heart started to beat fast. This was the first time in four years since I last slept in the same bed as Harry. I got in and turned to face the other side of the room as did Harry. Nothing was said. Nothing was done. The wind howled and I shut my eyes letting the darkness overcome me.


"Forever Mine" *Hinny One Shot* COMPLETEDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя