Secrets of the Night {You Wish Batman} PART 16

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** WOO! UPDATE!!! Ok, I'll let you get to it since it's been so long since i've updated!!!

"The headmistress is not available right now," Mr. Intimidating replied in a monotone voice.

"What do you mean she's not available?! Make her available! I have to talk to her NOW!" I screamed back at him.

"There is nothing I can do," he said, once again in the monotone voice.

"Bastard," I whispered under my breath as I sprinted away from him. This was a dumb idea, and I knew it, but I had to try. I knew the way to her office well enough, and I could only hope to get there in time.

I ran to the door and tried to pull it open. My hand reached the door handle, I pulled back. My body went forward. I slammed my head and knee against the door and fell back.

"Ow. Fuck," I said to myself as I rubbed my forehead. I heard Mr. Intimidating's footsteps as he approached me. He paused just behind me.

"You may want to check the door first before trying to run through it," he said, smugness easily apparent in his voice.

"No shit Sherlock. Thanks for all your god dammed help. Now let me in," I replied, giving him one of my withering glares.

I saw Lex approaching out of the corner of my eye. "Shea, you need to calm down. I don't know what's going on, but you never act this crazy."

"That's because I'm not usually attacked by people my father sent to KILL me!" I screamed back at her.

"Woah, shit, what?" Lexie looked completely baffled.

"My father wants to kill me. The people in the forest were sent by my father to come after me. They weren't sent by the school." I spoke slowly, letting all of that sink in.

She looks at me for a couple of seconds then turns towards Mr. Intimidating, who has been standing there silently this whole time like the creep that he is. "We need to see the headmistress."

Mr. Intimidating's straight mouth turned into a slight frown. "I already told you. The headmistress is not available right now."

I couldn't take it anymore. I just need to be somewhere, anywhere away from him. "Just let me in the building! I won't go looking for the headmistress. I just want inside the stupid building right NOW."

"My orders are to have you wait here for the others. We may need to find them tonight if they do not return in time."

"Oh just come find me tonight then. I just want out of here. With my luck, and my father's drive, one of us is about to get shot and killed. Therefore, I suggest you let me inside the school right NOW!" God, this idiot needed to get it through his thick skull that I needed to get inside the school pronto. My dad got so close last time. He would want to try again while the heat was still on. He had had plenty of time to recover by now.

"I can't allo-"

"YES YOU CAN! I won't tell anyone, I swear. I just want to get inside the school now. It might just save all of our lives," I begged.

He took a deep breath and pulled the key out from his side. Just as he was moving to put the key in the door his eyes suddenly got huge. All of his breath seemed to leave him. I heard Lexie scream. I looked down at his chest and saw... no, it couldn't be. He crumpled to the ground, and I knew that it was. He was just shot through his heart by a steel tipped arrow.

I turned towards Lex and saw her staring wide eyed down at his body. They wouldn't shoot me from this far. They would want to grab me for my father, so that he could do that himself. He was that much of a sadistic bastard. But they would kill Lexie, without a second thought.

Secrets of the Night {You Wish Batman} PART 16Where stories live. Discover now