The playboy is jealous

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Today is Monday and I'm getting ready for school. I pull out my favourite top, it's dark blue and has some sequins. Avery gave me last year as a birthday present. I didn't appreciate it then because it didn't look nice in the dark. But it does make me look like a sea goddess in the mornings and afternoons. I pull on my black skinny jeans, and pull out one of my flats.

I pull my hair into a ponytail. I put on some lipstick and powder, then a little bit of mascara. I then put on my glasses. I'm impressed with my new look. So I grab my book bag and head downstairs. I see Avery already in the kitchen. That's when the smell of pancakes hit me. Hard.

"Good job over there. I'm starving." I say to her. She looks at me then opens her mouth.

"Lose the ponytail, Phoebe. Then I'll call you sexy. Officially. I swear." I rolled my eyes as I pulled the band off and let my brownish black hair cascade down to my waist.

"That's so much better. Now I can call you sexy." I know I look different, but I definitely can't just wake up from bed and look sexy. It's going to be suspicious. I ignore my inner girl and sit down and watch Avery. She looks so much like mum. Hey! Where's mum?

"Avery! Where's mum?" I used my bedroom voice, in case one of those snoopy neighbours were around and then they start spreading rumours about mum.

"She left home early today. Said she had some early work to do."For some reason, I don't believe my mum. I know my mum misses dad, and she wants back with him. She wants us to accept him, but us Raye sisters aren't forgiving him. And I'm sure she's gone to go plan with him how they're going to change our minds.

Phoebe, why are you so paranoid?

Interrupting my thoughts, Avery sets a plate of pancakes in front of me. "Eat up. We've got school in fifteen minutes." It's not like that matters. School could be in a minute and I'd make it. School was just walking distance.

I ate my food fast. Like I said, I was starving. I threw my dish in the dishwasher and grabbed my book bag. And maybe an apple. Or two. I was about to close the front door when Avery screamed "Good luck seducing Josh!"

I slammed the door behind me. Then groaned. I so didn't like the job of seducing Josh. Oh well. I was about to push the school doors when Alex, the school bad boy whistled. I turned back to see him ogling me. I was so disgusted. And also pleased. I didn't know him that well, but one thing that was evident was that he was always looking for a girl to bang. And I happened to be a girl he hadn't banged before. So, he probably wants to bang me and get over with it.

I was about to keep on going when a plan came to mind. I waited up for him. He was surprised, but he concealed it. "Hey mamacita. What's your name?" I didn't expect him to know my name but...

"Phoebe. Phoebe Raye. Yours?" I asked even though I knew his name. He laughed. And then confusion clouded his face.

"Alex Andersen. Aren't you that playboy's girlfriend? That Josh guy?" I nodded slowly. "Actually his ex. He cheated on me." He shrugged.

"Doesn't he know that you're the sexiest girl anywhere for miles? Why would he do that?" Now it was my turn to shrug. "What class do you have?" He asked as the bell rung. "English. You?" He winked. "Same." We walked over to class, and saw two empty seats. I sat down and put my book bag on the floor beside my seat. I had forgot to drop it off at my locker. "Am I honoured to sit beside you?" He said with a smirk on his face. "I assure you. I'm good company." I laughed at that. Even if he was horrible company, he was helping me in making the playboy jealous. Ha! The good girl and the bad boy making the playboy jealous.

Josh entered class with messy hair. Didn't he have enough time to comb his hair? All the same, most girls sighed when he came in. The same thing they did when I came in with Alex minutes ago. Josh sat right behind us. Actually, right behind me. He kept on staring at me throughout class, boring holes through the back of my head.

Then the bell rung. And then I gave myself a personal dare. I pecked Alex so close to his lips. And when I turned around to grab my stuff, I saw Josh had turned red. He was jealous. I felt like dancing. I made Josh jealous. Again. Ace for me.

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