Impromptu party

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I don't know what made me run away from the room when I saw dad and mum together. Maybe it was guilt-for opening the door, or anger- for seeing them together, or joy-that my parents are back together. But I was sure that I was mostly angry.

Tears of anger blinded me as I ran downstairs and plopped unto the nearest couch. I crawled up into a ball and held my head in my hands. I could sense mum's presence, but I ignored it. She started brushing my hair. I only cried harder.

"How could you do such a thing?" I asked. "It's complicated." I turned around to face her and quickly got hold of her hands. "I want you to tell me. Now." I said in my most authoritative voice. My mum sighed. "Your dad and I are getting back together." I screamed a no at that.

"Yes baby. Your dad and I are getting together so we can take care of the baby." I couldn't say a word out of shock. "The baby is Savie and your dad's. And we're adopting the baby." I screamed a louder no. She stood up. And I kept on crying.

"And please don't tell your sister or your older brother Caleb. I want to tell them myself." "Caleb's coming home on Thursday. So I'll tell them on Thursday." She left with that, and I relaxed on the couch and before I knew it, I dozed off.

I was dreaming about splitting my parents up when I heard voices. I tried to drown them out but I couldn't. I slowly woke up, and then saw the owners of the voices. The owners were almost everyone from the highest social level in our school. Josh, Clara, Sierra, Trish, Diego, and some faces I couldn't make out.

I stood up quickly and ran upstairs. I didn't know someone had followed me until I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. I screamed and lunged forward, running to the nearest room which was practically Avery's. I entered, and the person following me entered too. I was totally creeped out until I made sight of the familiar rough hair. Josh. I jumped on the bed.

"What do you want?" I said and narrowed my eyes at him. He chuckled softly, and then his eyes turned a shade of green I didn't like.

"To know the truth." I was practically lost when he said that. "What do you mean?" I looked at him with a confused face. "I want to know whether you and Alex actually kissed." How did he know? "How did you know?" He laughed.

"Never kiss a boy when Bryan is around." I knew Bryan wasn't asleep. Fuck Bryan.

"I don't know how it affects you, but really don't I have a right to kiss anyone?" I was liking this. It was plain obvious he was jealous.

"Do you like him?" I gasped. "Alex?No way!" He raised an eyebrow up. "I don't believe you." I rolled my eyes. And then I stood up. " What do you need to make me believe you?" I said, licking my lips seductively.

"You." I just got the best opportunity to make Josh realise how much he needed me, and I was going to use it well. I moved closer to him, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him passionately.

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