Chapter 6

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As I woke up in the middle of the night, Rome and Michi were fast asleep on the petal covered grass. I smiled at them and got up. It must have been midnight so I might as well visit Roxie alone. I didn't mind trips in the dark.
When I arrived at the general store, I noticed an old brown car full of teenagers both in and out of it talking, eating chips, and drinking. Some of the drinks they could and some they could not drink.
"Yeah man I'm glad Roxie let us hit up on some free drinks but it still sucks that she made us pay for the chips that..." a tall boy with brown hair and a black beanie said followed by unholy words I would never speak of. Blasted teenagers and their unholy ways!
"Didn't you date that dang girl? She should have given us more but I guess since you dumped her for her weird ways and her stupid inventions you deserve to buy those chips!" Another boy laughed as tall as the other throwing an orange colored chip into his mouth. I came out of the bushes walking closer to the general store entrance. That was till I was stopped by those boys with the beanies.
"What are you doing here all late to the party! You seem about 15 so I think you'll be fine. The names Micheal by call me Mike it's better." He shrugged taking a sip from his Coke.
"I shouldn't talk to strangers, especially guys like you!" I yelled trying to stomp off.
"What a waste for a poor little lady like you to be stubborn. I thought maybe you'll be cool but I guess not." He snorted taking another gulp of his Coke down. I ignored him and walked into the door.
"THATS RIGHT! Strut off like your the boss of everything!" He yelled from behind as he and his friends continued to laugh. Stupid teenage boys. They don't know the good of anything!
When I go in the store, I watched as Roxie stared into the blank screen of an old begin tv twirling her hair.
"Boys got you some trouble?" Roxie asked as she could tinged to twirl her hair sticking a red sucked into her mouth. I nodded and looked down the chip aisle.
"Don't worry about Michael and his gang! He's just an ex trying to bother me for free stuff like every summer by I tend to ignore it most times." Roxie shrugged continuing staring at the blank screen.
"How much are the chips?" I said laying my hands on some old school BBQ chips.
"For you their free but for them they are $10!" She snorted pointing to the boys outside.
"They even got the nerve to recruit a new boy into their group but he seems about your age but a little older. Even looks like you! You guys can practically be siblings, but I know no sibling of yours would fall for that trap." Roxie shrugged handing me a blue sucker.
"Thanks Roxie, I wonder who that new boy is anyway..." I sighed thinking of all the possible options.
"I don't know his name but he seems to be close to this really cute girl! She's a model and anybody is cuter than me so I suggest that they are dating. Tough break for the kid by not my problem." Roxie said jumping over the counter top." I took the BBQ bag of chips opening it and pooping 2 chips into my mouth.
"Must be a lucky guy." I told her sarcastically laughing.
"He has no clue! He's probably fantasizing over her new bathing suits which she seems to have endless pairs everyday! Or maybe it's her long luscious hair that every girl is doing anything to get! Maybe it's those big hoop earrings or the fact that she is wearing makeup. In my opinion way it of her league!" Roxie responded as if we were in a court room.
"Well I wanna see for myself!" I said throwing the empty bag of chips into a nearby trash can.
"Don't fall for their evil ways!" Roxie yelled as I walked out the door.
I smiled at her turning back forward.
Outside, the boys had finished off their comes and sprites and have moved in to the more alcoholic drinks but they only played around with it. They are nothing compared to my mother. As soon as I turned my head, I instantly regretted it. I saw Anja, my brother, talking with the girl with the long hair big hoops and popping lipstick completely ignoring me.
"Anja! What are you even doing!" I said teary eyed surprised by my brothers ways.
"Ohhhhh we got some drama here! Must be somebody he used to love." Mike laughed.
"He's my brother! And I knew he wanted friends but not friends like you!" I yelled in frustration.
" WE princess are the only people his age and HE choose to be with us which is a special honor seeing how popular he is with the fellow dudes and dudetes! " Mike responded laughing.
"Anja loves me! Your just gonna have to deal with it. Your brother is growing up and he needs friends especially like us." He girl next to him responded.
"Chloe please your not helping me this is between me and my sister ok?" Anja responded to her sliding off from the top of the car.
"Anja I can't believe you..." I responded wiping the tears from my face.
"I know but I am growing up and I need some
space. Maybe this is for the best of me..." Anja responded to me putting his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I took his hand away walking away.
"We will never talk about this ever again..." I sternly told him running off into the woods.
"Your cooler than your sister so there is no need to worry about her..." Chloe responded to him luring Anja back. Another rabbit caught in the bear trap. All I could think of was running back to Michi and Rome...the only people who actually cared about me.

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