Chapter Thirteen: He Kissed Me

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First of all, I just wanna say that we passed 100 reads! It's a start that I love and I thank all the people that have voted and who have read this story.

Second, I hope you guys like this chapter. I put a lot of work into it, and especially a lot of thought.

Third, I will finally leave you guys alone to read, vote, comment, and enjoy.

Next Update: Wednesday (It's my lazy day, hehe)

His Broken Angel

Chapter Thirteen: He Kissed Me

Reese was sitting beside me on my bed while I finished up some homework. It hasn't even been a full week that we've been "dating", and Claire already allowed him to be in my room alone.

"Can you not!" I whined.


"Stop moving your leg, it shakes the bed." Reese smirked at that for some reason which I chose to ignore.

"Are you almost done?" Reese asked. He reminded me of a kid always asking "Are we there yet?" repeatedly. "Are you?" he repeated.

I set down my notebook angrily on the mattress, making him sit up and stare at my annoyed expression. "If you knew you were going to be bored then why did you come?"

He thought for a minute, my eyes narrowing at him when he was taking a long time. "Because I told the guys we would go in a small brunch with them after school."

"What!?" I shouted. "Why didn't you tell me?" I didn't think that the gang would plan something on a Thursday night. I mean Friday was right around the corner.

"If you're wondering why we're going tonight and why not on a Friday night, it's because of the football game tomorrow," he explained.

I was too busy looking for something decent to wear when Reese grabbed my wrist and pulled me to sit on his lap. "And we always go to a small brunch before a game to get some good luck."

"Okay," I muttered, nodding my head in the process. "Can I get off to find something to wear?"

Reese smirked at me before letting go of my wrist, but put his arms underneath my legs and threw me on the bed. My head hit the headboard which could have a bump now. Thanks a lot, Matthews!

I saw him rummaging in my closet until he picked out a crop top that I didn't even know I had and some faded jeans. "This will definitely look good," he smirked.

"No you perv," I said. "I'm wearing the jeans, but not the shirt."

"Then why do you have it?" Good question that I couldn't respond to right now. . . Because I have freaking scars on my stomach and if anybody saw them they'd think that this girl is crazy! That's why Reese, that's why. If only he could read my mind. 

"You already helped me with my jeans, now get out of the way so I can find a shirt."

He rolled his eyes but stepped out of the way. I ended up picking out a white tank top and a blue flannel to finish the look off. "What time are we even supposed to be there?" I asked as I put my hair in a messy ponytail.

"You got half an hour left," he said.

Once I stepped out I saw Reese looking through some photos in my Personal album. The word personal was written on it for a reason.

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