Hehe. . . Nervous laugh right there.
Seriously, school if feeling like such a drag. Last time I was thinking, "I hate school so much!" But it's a benefit because it's for my education, and it helps me write for you wonderful readers!
We're close to 800 reads guys! Please, let's get up to that point and I will do a happy dance!
So please, read, vote, comment, and enjoy!
Next Update: Sunday (I'll be visiting my family that day. Random, I know)
******His Broken Angel
Chapter Twenty-Seven: I Need A Break From You
I lazily woke up at eleven o'clock in the morning. My eyes felt droopy at first, but once I sat up and rubbed them, my vision cleared.
I had gotten home at one last night since the gang wanted to go to the after party for Homecoming. I didn't even know they had an after party. Wasn't the party already over? This wasn't prom people!
Anyways, I ended up staying with Reese at all times last night. For my own sake, I told him not to drink or else I would cut his balls off and feed them to a shark.
I'm such a nice girlfriend.
We stayed there until midnight, finally getting driven back home by a sober Reese who I kept arguing with in the car.
"That doesn't even make sense!" I protested.
"Of course it does. Look, it's simple. Matt, Dylan, and I will get tattoos of our girlfriend's names."
I rolled my eyes at him. "Problem is, I'm not your girlfriend."
"Can happen. . .," he hummed.
Everyone was already asleep by the time I got home. Reese continued with the whole tattoo idea before I could run out the car and laugh the whole way. When I reached the door and leaned against it, I peeked outside the window to still see him there.
And I had actually seen him smiling before driving away.
Now I was facing my bare wall with my toes freezing in the cold air. Fall would be coming soon, so that meant leaves falling and a lot of rain pouring down on us like cats and dogs.
With my wobbly legs, I walked to the bathroom to see the mess I had woken up with. My messy bun had fallen all over the place with stupid baby hairs (that never grew) stuck out everywhere. What was the point of baby hairs anyway? They never freakin grew!
I tried untying my bun from my hair tie, but that led me to tilt my head and see the harsh love bites on it. I gulped the lump down my throat when my mind flashed to the night of the beach.
That guy's filthy hands on me. His sick lips. . . I stared down at the drawer that held my blade inside. A voice in my head told me to do it, that it would help me forget.
At first I hesitated to even let the tip of my blade touch my cold skin, but then the memory came back and I did it anyways.
Once it was all over, I washed up and stayed in the shower for more than an hour. I got out to put on a tee-shirt and some old ripped up jeans, washing my teeth afterwards.
It occurred to me when I reached downstairs that nobody was home. When I saw the note on the fridge saying that both Claire and Harry had gone to work, while Alex went to hang with some friends, I slumped on the couch.

His Broken Angel
Teen FictionFor a second I turned my back when I felt strong arms grab my waist and pull me back. Reese forced me to sit on his lap as I felt his lips near my neck. "You really want me to leave?" he whispered in my ear with that deep voice of his. "Y-Yes," I s...