I really like this chapter. Heartbreaking at the end though (sneak peek right there) but I still love this chapter.
But I'll just leave you guys to find that out.
Please read, vote, comment, and enjoy!
Next Update: Thursday
******His Broken Angel
Chapter Thirty-Two: Twists and Turns
Alex stared me down while I sat on my bed. The tension between us was caused me to feel uncomfortable and it felt irritating.
"If you want to see new scars then go ahead," I muttered.
He shook his head which led me to lift up my shirt to show him my stomach. "There. Happy? No new scars and it's been two days big bro."
Alex still stared me down before sighing. "Good," was all he said before storming out of my room.
Ass much?
My phone vibrated on my nightstand, but me being the lazy person I am still sat on my bed. When the vibrating noise seemed to get louder and louder, I finally stretched my arm and grabbed the dang thing.
Three texts were left from Reese which made me smile. But I realized what I was doing and wiped the smile away. "Just friends, Maggie. Just friends," I reminded myself.
I'm boredR:
Really bored SweetheartR:
I'm going to die of boredom!I laughed at the texts. He almost reminded me of a girl.
And what do you want me to do?And I waited. It kinda sucks when you send a text to a person a few minutes later and they take a long ass time to respond.
In the meantime I decided to take a shower which didn't wake me up. I put on some sweats since it was a Tuesday after school and I wasn't planning on going anywhere.
Right when I was about to pull on my shirt over my head, a knock at my window made me stumble back and hit my head on the door. "Shit!"
I rubbed my head until I saw who was the one that had made me fall. That stupid idiot with that stupid smirk of Matthews!
He opened the window and climbed inside as I pulled my shirt on. Reese looked at me weirdly before saying, "What are you doing on the floor?"
"What are you doing here?" I fired back.
"I told you, I was bored and that I could die of boredom."
"You're such a girl sometimes," I muttered to myself before standing up.
Reese jumped on my undone bed, some of the pillows falling off before I picked them up and threw them at him. "Get off my bed and out of my house."
"Why?" he frowned.
"You can't just barge in here like you own the place!"
"But I'm bored."
I rolled my eyes until my door opened. Harry popped his head inside when my eyes bulged open when I saw his expression change from subtle to annoyed. "Well, this is a surprise. Hello, Reese."

His Broken Angel
Teen FictionFor a second I turned my back when I felt strong arms grab my waist and pull me back. Reese forced me to sit on his lap as I felt his lips near my neck. "You really want me to leave?" he whispered in my ear with that deep voice of his. "Y-Yes," I s...