Hey Short Stuff (A BoyxBoy romance)

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{Hi readers! Starting Feb.1 this story will only be available on the site Dreame. The first five chapters will remain here as a teaser. Please follow the link on my page to be transferred to the story, or simply go to the site and search Hey Short Stuff. The chapters are on an upload schedule, so it will be updated every other day, and occasionally a few days in a row leading all the way until March 31. So get to reading while you can! Thank you all for the love and support. Feel free to inbox me at any time. (= }

Cody's POV:

Hm...I wonder if oranges feel pain when they get their little bodies squeezed. Could you imagine being JUICED? Oh heck nah, nobody's drinking me. Ha! Dumb fruits....

I giggle at my thoughts while chugging down my second glass of orange juice. I can still feel the foul mixture of the drink and toothpaste dancing on my tongue and at the back of my throat. Why orange juice? Why ruin my morning because you can't get along with my amazing dental care? Hmph!

I toss the cup lazily into the sink, wincing at the sound of glasses striking eachother. I'm going to regret that later if the rims are chipped...

"Oh lord, run! The beast has been released!" I screech, rushing from the open front door as my mother steps into the kitchen. She's obviously going to check her 'precious' cups. What's up with women and their scariness? Especially in the mornings. You don't know the definition of demon until you see my mother in the morning. Her hair is a *snap* mess. Mhm, that girl better learn how to tie and tidy, before I go full on gay boy and pull out my hairspray. Yes, I have hairspray...dont judge me! My hair is flawless, ask anyone! It's naturally black, but I don't care. Yep, I go against the rules. Bad boy at its finest.

Speaking of hair...

I look at my reflection in a muddy puddle on the street. I can barely make out the bleached blonde color in the clouded water, but I get a good enough look to know that something's out of place. Immediately I flick and toy with the stiff spikes at the back of my head. Giving a final dramatic hair flip I smirk satisfied at myself. I would TOTALLY marry myself. Put a ring on it baby!

I kick wildly at the air, attempting a Beyonce move, when suddenly I'm cut off by the loud, rather obnoxious, sound of a horn. I jerk my head around to be met with the most frightening sight...a bus full of chuckling high schoolers. The worst part? They were laughing at me! Almost instantly I feel my cheeks flame in a clearly visible blush. Even the tips of my ears become warm in realization. Another bullying session today? Yeah, I'll order one, hold the wet willies please...

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