Mine! (Pt.2)

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"Owwww, my booty huuuuuurts!" I whine, rubbing my sore backside as I make my way down the hall. Almost immediately I jerk my head to the side, finding my best friend trying his best not to burst out in laughter. My cheeks flare up in color. "No! I didn't mean because of that you perv! Some guys gave me a wedgie! Geez..." I huff as he releases the loud giggles, falling back against his locker.

"Sure! Oh gosh, you made my day!" He snickers, ruffling my hair. Oh hold up...hecky nah! This boy did not just-...

"My hair! Ho it is ON!" I hold up my leg as if in a praying mantis stance, ready to slap the gay out of this boy. I just went through half a can of hair spray AND a wedgie just to get it this perfect. I am NOT *snap* letting him get away with this. He lets out a long whine as I back hand him. Psh, ghetto huh? Yeah you liked that.

"What the hell Cody?! You can't just slap me!" He whimpers, giving me the all too familiar kicked puppy look. If I wasn't still upset about my hair I'd have given in...aw, but look at the crinkle in his nose! How precious! I just wanna hug-...no!

"Uh, apparently I can!" I lower back down to my average stance, might I say looking as curvalishious as ever, before turning on my heel and beginning to walk off to the bathroom. "See you doll face, we'll finish this later!" I call, kissing my finger tip and holding it up before turning around the corner. Then...it happens. I get a face full of the most muscular, most delicious chest I've ever seen. No boobs to get in the way, just a chiseled frame of perfection. Never once have I felt something so defined...that is until I notice my hands are pushed to his abs. Oh lord save me...if only I could lick t-

"Excuse me..?" A rather deep and husky voice makes its way to my ears. He has a small hint of an accent, and it rolls of his tongue smoothly. Even his scent is intoxicating. Like white roses fanning my nostrils. That's when it hits me...I'm totally violating this guy! I quickly jump back, gaze fixed on my shoes. Neon pink high tops from JayJay's Souls, $50 just in case you wanted to know.

"U-Uh...s-sorry! I was rushing because I just b***h slapped my best friend for touching my hair and I had to get it fixed before anyone saw, considering my fashion sense is untouchably flawless!" I squeak out quickly. After a few seconds of no response my eyes flicker up, staring back into cold, icy grey eyes. It's as if he were trying to burn holes into my skull...and was succeeding. But even if that glare gave me chills, I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. Such strong facial features, and a sharp jawline to top it off. Even his cheekbones could slice your finger at the slightest of touches. Oh gosh, this boy will be the death of me.

"Just watch where you're going...okay?" He steps around, the back of his hand brushing my hip ever-so-slightly. Despite the unintentional gesture I feel sparks shoot up my spine, as if some people were setting off fireworks in my backside...ew, creeps.

"Get out of my butt!" I randomly yell out. The male stops to glance over his shoulder at me, eyebrow arched. I'm about to explain why I was screaming at nonexistant people, but he shakes his head and disappears into the crowd of blood thirsty high schooler before I can. Man this bites...yikes! My hair!

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