Link Through Lives (Pt.4)

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Ugh, finally it's the weekend! These past few days have been hell, and I'm stressed! Being stressed is NOT good for your hair. Mhm, it's true. I read it online! Any-whore...

"Maaaaaaa! We ran out of Cocoa Puffs!" I whine, wiggling my backside as I stand on the counter top. "MAAAAAA WE RAN OUT OF-"

"I heard you!" She snaps, swatting at my leg with her wet drying cloth. Now don't get me wrong, my mom is awesome, but that girl must be on some illegal 'ish, because she's crazy. Like C-R-A-Z-Y! When I threw tantrums as a child she would pick me up by my feet and not let me down until I stopped crying. The only problem is that made me cry harder! She needs jesus...mhm...

"Then go get me soooooooome!"

"Can't you see I'm busy? Now if you expect me to stop washing these dishes to go to the store JUST so you can eat some damn chocolatey balls poured on top of milk then you must be out of yo' mind child!"

I stare down at her with the straightest face possible, eyes narrowed to slits. You'd think she just murdered someone due to the look I'm giving her. That is until I suddenly burst out into a fit of contagious giggles, plopping down to sit on the marble counter. She huffs, popping out her hip. Oo, my mama got attitude! See where I get it from?

"And what is so funny mister?"

"Y-You said chocolatey balls!"

"How is that funny? Ain't nothing funny 'bout dat boy!" She flicks her wrist, dismissing the argument all together. "Now run yo' self to the store! Oh, and pick some sugar up while you're there." With that she flips her waist length locks of hair over her shoulder and continues scrubbing at...some foreign substance stuck to the side of a dish. Ew.

"Okay ma!" I give her a peck on the cheek, my own still slightly pink from my hysterical episode from just moments before. My mom is really gorgeous. She's still pretty young, considering she had me at the age of 16. We look almost exactly for my dad...I don't really remember him. He's kind of a blurred figure of memories, something I never thought much of. Apparently I wouldn't want to know about him either. My mom always told me he was an awful man. That he belived that everything would be solved by violence, and people who thought otherwise deserved twice as much. Hard to belive anyone so cruel created me...sometimes I still get these nightmares. These random...out of control nightmares. But we'll save that for another time. As for now, I need some Cocoa Puffs!


"Ah-..." I squeeze my eyes shut as the stinging pain reaches my lower back. I was being punished...punished for something I didn't do. But did I complain? Never. I wouldn't dream of disobeying him. Alpha. Father.

"Quit your sniffling! You don't deserve to be a part of this pack if you cry over a few whips!" He brings all his force into this one, the sickening sound of leather meeting my flesh echoing throughout the room. Dozens of eyes are on me by now. Most hold pity...but others hold shame. Shame for having such a dishonest male be part of their pack. The real culprits are cowereding over in the corner...afraid. They were afraid I would rat them out. Little boys, probably not even 10 yet.

"Sss...a-ah!" I clench my teeth as they slowly creep out to their honest form. They come to a point like daggers, some even piercing my tongue. That all-too-familar metallic taste dances in my mouth. My wolf doesn't like this. It absolutely hates the thought of my pack members looking at me in such a way. How degrading...being forced to withstand such unfair treatment. Having to let others watch my body be torn at in such a slow manner. Disgusting. All of them... "Disgusting." I growl out the word in a voice I don't even recognized. He wants out. He wants to shift, and show them how strong I really am. He wants revenge.

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