Part Twenty Four - Twenty Fourth Letter.

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Laurens POV

* Fire every where. It's everywhere I go. I can't get away from it, it's like it's following me. What is going on? I carry on walking up the street and there is my house, in flames. Paramedics, fire fighters, police everywhere. People are surrounding the burnt out house. Then I saw someone being carried out on the stretcher. That's when it hit me. My dad is on the stretcher. "DAD!" I yelled as I ran up to him. His body looked burnt. He looked lifeless, his eyes were open, and he was constantly coughing yet he didn't look alive. "I'll always love you Lauren" he said and then his eyes slowly closed. That is when I knew he had gone. The fire is still going on, as I watch my dad being carried away into the back of an ambulance. Then they drive the lifeless body away down the street. It's out of sight, then next minute I am on my knees crying out so loudly. He's gone and he isn't coming back. I continue to sob.*

I shoot up from the bed, panting and sweating. Another nightmare.

"Lauren?" I hear a sleepy Nathan speak.

"Yes?" I manage to speak.

"Are you ok?" He asked as he sat up, looking concerned.

"I-I'm fine" I say. I can't hold the tears any longer, I just sat there and cry my eyes out.

"What's wrong?" A worried Nathan sits up and wraps his arms around me.

"Nightmare" I told him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asks.

"I saw the fire my dad was in, I saw him being carried out. I heard the last words he said again" I sob even more.

"Everything will be ok" he spoke and kissed the top of my head. I do love that boy.

"I love you Nathan" I tell him, after I finally stop crying.

"I love you too" he answers and leans in to kiss me.

"Lets go back to sleep its 4am" he says as he looks at the clock beside him.

"Okay" I simply answer.

Nathan pulls me back down on the bed and wraps his arms around me and cuddles into me, drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

Nathans POV

I wake up to Lauren still peacefully sleeping. I hope she is ok after what happened last night. I hate seeing her like that, especially when she is crying. It's horrible.

Dear Nathan,

Hello. I'm so happy right now! I haven't had one of my nightmares for a whole month! That is the longest I have gone without one! I'm incredibly happy about it! That was only the good thing that has happened in my life recently. Summer vaction is over with sucks. I was deciding if I should write down what has been going on this week, but then I realised I should because I said in another letter that this is like a diary to me. So I can let my feelings out, to make me feel better so here goes.

Monday. Well that started out to be great. Me and Emily were having a laugh and having such a great day. Then in the afternoon, we were approached by Brittany, and she was horrible than she has ever been. She beat Emily up and one of her 'friends' had hold of me and made me watch. After that they left and I took Emily to the hospital. Turned out she only had a broken nose and bad bruising, so at least it wasn't to serious.

Tuesday. That wasn't so bad. Just really stressful. So much homework was given out. It's the second day back from Summer vaction and I got twenty different homework sheets to do by next week. It's going to be impossible to do in so little time! I've had enough of school all ready and it hasn't been a whole week yet.

Wednesday. That was ok I guess. Better than the past two days any how. Brittany tried to cause even more trouble between me and Jake. She tried to fill him with lies about me, to try turn him against me. But it didn't work. He knew she was lying, it was blantly obvious. I really don't understand why she is such a bitch? She has to be insecure or something like that. That must be why. What other reason could they be?

Anyway, that is enough for todays letter. Thursday and Friday were basically just the same as the rest of the week, hell. Hope you are doing well.

Lots of Love,

"Morning" I hear a voice say.

"Morning Lauren, sleep well?"

"Yeah" She smiled then looked at the letter in my hand.

"What letter is that?" She asked.

"The one where you explain some of your days. The one about Brittany beating Emily up. Do you still get hassle from her?" I asked curiously.

"Not as much. She told me to stay away from you when I met you and the boys. She said 'stay away from my man' to be exact" she laughed.

"Oh.. wow. I'm your man, definitly not her man" I said.

"I know, come on lets go make some breakfast" she beamed and hopped out of bed.

I just laughed and followed her out. She was already down stairs and I could smell some delicous food already.

"That was quick to start" I laughed.

"I was hungry. Bacon sandwiches alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, sounds perfect!" I smiled. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist as she carried on cooking the bacon.

"Lauren, are you ok after last night?" I ask.

"I'm fine Nathan, I'm used to it. It happens all the time" she half smiles.

"You shouldn't have to go through that. I hated seeing you like it. It was awful" I said.

"Don't worry about it ok? I'm fine, honest" she smiles and walks over to me and gives me a huge and a sweet passionate kiss.

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