Part Twenty Six - Twenty Sixth letter.

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Nathans POV

Hello Nathan!

Thought I'd start this letter differently for a chance. Writing 'dear Nathan' all the time got quite boring. Then again that represents me, boring. Haaaa. I'm planning on visit my dads grave this coming week but I'm not to sure if I should. I'm scared of going. It's stupid I know, but grave yards creep me out, especially on a night. I sound stupid don't I? I need to man up and just go. I shouldn't be so scared of these things. I think I'm just scared to go alone. What if there is a murderer hiding in the bushes or something? Or what if there is some pervert round there? Haha.

These letters are starting to suck aren't they? I know they are but you won't have to put up with these silly letters for any longer soon because after this one is sent there will be only 4 more to write to you then you won't need to hear from me ever again. That does kind of suck in a way but I'm not going to waste my time on writing more when you don't bother to reply to any of my letters. I'm not complaining that you haven't replied, I just thought you would of at least replied to one of my letters. That would of made me happy if you did. I'd love it.

Today is Wednesday and it's half way through the school week, and it's been so boring. We've basically just done the same work as we did last week, to 'refresh' our memories. But I think that is because our teachers can't be bothered to teach us this week. Which I can't blame them, it must be a boring job. I've always wanted to be either a fashion designer or a singer. But the school doesn't seem to teach anything to do with them. They don't even do media! Sucks big style!

I'm happy you and the boys have achieved your dreams by becoming singers, it must be amazing to be able to do what you guys do!

Lots of Love, Lauren xxx

"What do you have there?" I heard Lauren say as she walked into the dressing room.

"One of your letters" I smiled and she just nodded.

"So Nathan, me and your stylist have had a fun idea" she grinned.

"Ooo whats that?"

"Well you know how your show starts in an hour or so. I'm going to be in the audience dressed up as a crazed fan because we thought it would be fun"

"Oh dear! I'll definitly look out for you" I winked.

"I'm front row. I'm going to get in disguise. I'll be back soon. Oh and don't tell the other boys, I want to see if they fall for it before I go to my seat" she laughed and walked out the door.

"Was that Lauren walking out the door?" Tom asked as he came back from hair and make up.


"Where is she going? Isn't she staying to watch?" He questioned.

"Yeah she is. She's just gone to the toilet" I lied.

"Oh right. The others should be done with hair and make up soon" he smiled. Just then all the other boys came running in. They all look great. But Max is running round in his boxers, typical.

"Max go put some clothes on!" I laugh.

"Nah, It's hanging lose for now until show time!" he chuckled. I just shook my head. Just then this random girl walked in. She had hair in pig tails, some big black glasses, freckles. She was also wearing some clothes what looked like old ladies would wear. She looked at me and winked, that's when I realised. It was Lauren.

"May we help you?" Jay spoke up.

"Oh my god. I'm your biggest fan. Jay I love you so much. You are amazing. Siva your perfect. Tom your perfect. Max your perfect. Nathan, I don't like you" she winks at me.

"Why don't you like Nathan?" Siva questioned. Just then she burst out laughing. The boys look so confused.

"Guys, it's me, Lauren" she laughed.

"Why are you wearing that?" Tom asked.

"I'm going out there in disguise as a crazed fan, front row to" she grinned.

"You really had us fooled Lauren!" Max laughed. She just grinned and then got dragged out the door by the security to take her to her seat.

Laurens POV

I've just been shown to my seat for where I will be for the concert. It's right in the middle of the stage, which is good! I wonder if anyone will recognise me like this? I hope they don't. But it would be funny if they did.

"Hello" A bleech blonde fake girl said.

"Hi?" I said more of a question.

"Are you on your own?" She asked me. She seems quite nice.

"Yeah, no one would come with me" I laughed.

"That's a shame! You can stay with me if you like, I'm Sharrie" She smiled.

"Aw thank you! I'm Lauren" I smiled back at her.

We got talking while we waited until the boys came on and she actually seemed quite friendly. I shouldn't of judged her so quickly. Just then the lights went down and music started playing. Then the boys walked out and started singing Invincible! I love this song so much. Nathan stood right in front of me and winked.

"Nathan totally just winked at you!" Sharrie grinned.

"I know!" I smiled.

"I can't believe he has a girlfriend. She must be using him for fame. Either that she's a slut" Sharrie laughed. Ouch that hurt. I didn't want to agree with her because I'm not a slut and I aren't using Nathan for fame.

"Why do you think that?" I asked.

"I don't know, she just comes across like that. I hate everything about that skank" she said. Oh.

The boys were half way through their set, and Nathan constantly kept on looking at me.

"Nathan keeps smiling and looking at you" Sharrie says.

"I know. I'm his girlfriend" I said finally revealed who I was.

"No you aren't" she laughed.

"Actually I am. I'm in disguise." I said and asked the security to take me back up stage.

"I'm sorry Lauren. I didn't know" she said. Fake apology, wow.

"Save it. I don't like you" I said and walked off to go back stage again. I watched the rest of the concert on a tv in the boys dressing room. It was fun but not the same as it was out there. If that girl didn't say them things about me I wouldn't of left. But it was still a fun night.

"We're back!" Max yelled as they all rushed inside the dressing room. I smiled at them.

"Good show?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was really good. Also, thank god you are back in your normal clothes" Jay laughed.

"Where did you disappear to?" Nathan asked.

"Some girl was pissing me off. So I came back here. She was calling me a slut and stuff, not realising it was actually me until I told her." I smiled. I then felt two strong arms wrap around me and I instantly smiled. Thne I was soon enough in a group hug with 5 sweaty boys. Oh how I love them but they could of waited until they showered and stuff. It would of been much better that way. Oh well, I still like these embrace even though it stinks of sweat.

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