Part Seventeen - Seventeenth letter.

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Laurens POV

"Hey Emily, fancy coming round to chill today? Or fancy having a sleepover?" I asked. Oh yeah, I'm on the phone with Emily right now, have been for the past 10 minutes. "of course! I haven't seen you in forever!" She laughed. "Haha, I have something to tell you as well" I said. "Oo, can't wait to find out what it is, I'll be round in 10 minutes" She said then hung up the phone without saying bye, typical Emily right there. I put my phone down, and finshed getting ready. Oh you know how yesterday Maggie said I was in trouble? Well she lied, she just wanted me to come home to clean up after her. So annoying.

"Hey girl!" Emily said as she walked inside my house. "Hey Em! Come sit down, The Wanted have an interview on 4 music in 5 mins" I grinned. "okay, what was it you wanted to tell me?" She asked. "I'll tell you after the interview" I laughed. "Okay" She smiled. "Want anything to eat before it starts?" I asked. "No thanks, I've already eaten" she replied. "anything to drink?" I asked. "Some water please" she said. "Okay, I'll go get it now" I smiled and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a battle of water, some crisps and a orange juice. "Lauren hurry, its starting!" Emily yelled from the living room. "I'm coming!" I said as I walked back into the living room.

"Please welcome The Wanted!" The interview said and then the boys walked onto the stage area. "Hey boys, so how is LA so far?" Greg asked. He's the interviewer. "It's great. Had a lovely time so far!" Tom answered. "Do you have any gigs coming up?" Greg then asked. "We have one next week, in a club, but I can't remember the name of it" Max laughed. "Haha, bet you can't wait to start gigging again, it's been a while hasn't it?" Greg said. "Yeah, we last did a gig here some time last year, looking forward to getting back on the road" Jay said. "I've heard you have been given a house to stay in, is that true?" Greg questioned. "Yeah, that is very true. We are working on our new album, and other things, so our manager thought it would be a good idea to have a house instead of being in a hotel all the time" Siva answered with a smile. "Ah bet that's good. So who here is single, and who is taken?" Greg said. "I'm taken" Siva said. "I'm taken" Tom said. "I'm still single" Max laughed. "I'm with Max on that, still single!" Jay said. "And that leaves you Nathan, are you still single?" Greg questioned. "As of yesterday, I officially have a girlfriend" Nathan smiled widely. "Aw, thats cute! What's her name?" Greg answered. "Lauren" He smiled. "aw, hope you both are happy together! That is all we have time for, give it up for The Wanted every body!" Greg shouted and everyone clapped.

"You and Nathan together?" Emily questioned. "Yeah, that's what I was going to tell you. I didn't think he would of announced it on tv!" I laughed. "I'm so happy for you!" Emily squealed. "Thank you" I smiled.

Nathans POV

We've just finished our interview and now we are outside the building meeting some fans who were stood out waiting for us. There was only about 15 people so Big Kev said it was ok to meet them. They were so kind to me about having a girlfriend now, it was sweet. I was kind of nervous about announcing it on TV at first, but now I feel completely fine about telling everyone. I hope Lauren is ok with me doing that. It was a surprise for her, so I really hope she doesn't mind. "Come on lads, we have to get back to the house now!" Kev shouted and started to guide us to our van. "So how did them fans outside take the news about you having a girlfriend?" Siva asked. "Pretty well actually. Which surprised me, I thought they wouldn't be happy about it, but I guess I was wrong" I laughed. "I'm so glad they were understanding about it" Max smiled. "Yeah me to" I smiled back. The rest of the journey back was full of laughing and chatting. It was quite a nice ride back to be honest.

"Hey!" I said into the phone. "Hey Nath" Lauren replied. "So did you watch the interview?" I asked nervously. "Yes I did, and I thought it was a nice surprise to see you announce our relationship on national TV" She answered. "Oh thank god you liked it, I thought you would of been mad at me" I laughed. "I could never be mad at you" She laughed back. "Good, done much today?" I asked. "No, not really. Just about to head out for something to eat with Emily. You?" She replied. "Nothing apart from the interview, met a few fans, and that's about it. And oh, going anywhere nice?" I said. "We haven't decided yet" she laughed. "Ah, well have a good time." I told her. " I will, thanks Nath, talk soon" She said. "Of course, bye Lauren!" I said and hung up the phone. I sat down on my bed and picked up the next letter.

Dear Nathan,

Hey there Nath! How you all doing today? I was thinking of you today. You randomly popped into my head. Which was nice I guess. I really want to meet you guys so much. So I can thank you all in person, for being there for me even if you don't know that you lot are. Your music cheers me up so much. I love looking at all of your twitters to see what you are all up to. It's nice. Anyway, Emily wants me to go on holiday to Florida with her, which of course I said yes! We're going next week, so excited! We have our flight booked, and we are only going for a week, but that doesn't matter, we're going to have so much! But before that, I have to do all my homework by then, otherwise Maggie said I can't go, which that would suck. So this letter won't be long, because I have to get cracking on this homework. Fancy coming over to LA to do it for me? I wouldn't mind ;) haha! Anyway Nath, I must go, homework is calling me, yawn. Write to you soon.

Lots of love, Lauren xxx

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