Part eleven - eleventh letter.

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Laurens POV

I woke up to the birds chirping outside. It was nice but then I looked around my room, it was a mess. Everything had been trashed. Thats when images from last night flashed back.

*Flash back*

I just got back home from seeing Nathan and the others. I walked into the living and I could see Maggie sat in the corner out of her head and a man sat next to her. Someone I have not seen around here before, he looked dangerous. "So this is the famous Lauren" He slurred his words. He then pushed him self out the chair and walked up to me. "Shouldn't you be doing homework?" He said as he blew smoke from his cigarette in my face. "Thats none of your business" I said. "Don't answer back to me" He spat. "I do what I like, you don't know me, and I don't know you, but you seem like a dick, so I'll do what I like" I smiled at him. After I said that, he got closer to me and pressed his cigarette on my arm leaving a burn. I pulled my arm away and ran up the stairs, into my room and totally destroyed my bedroom.

*End of flashback*

What happened to Maggie? She was never like that. She was such a lovely person. Why did she have to start drinking? I just want everything to be alright. I want to feel safe. I picked up my phone and saw I had a text from Nathan. I read it and he was asking if I was ok last night and I never replied. I feel awful.

'Sorry I didn't text back last night, I feel asleep, I'm fine, how are you?xx' I sent him. I sat on my bed waiting for a reply.

Nathans POV

Dear Nathan,

Hello! How have you been? Hows the weather in London or where ever you are?Its so hot here in LA. Me and Emily decided to ditch school again. The beach sounded so much for fun than being stuck in a classroom all day. I told Emily everything about the bullying and I've never felt so much better than I do now. I feel so happy I got it all off of my chest. Surprisingly the bullying actually calmed down. I made one new friend. His name is Jake. He's lovely and he's a fan of you guys. He' gay and he's just the most sweetest person you could ever meet! I'd love to introduce you both one day. You would get on great! Toms his favourite member though;). Me, Jake and Emily printed loads of posters out of you lot and stuck them round the whole town, I don't think many people were impressed but it was totally worth it. Oh and Emily said could you say hi to Max for her? She loves him so much. Nathan, I know you may get sick of this but could you possibly follow me on twitter? My user name is LaurenSykes_TW. Pretty good name if you ask me;). How can you not like my twitter name? You should come to one of the beaches here Nath. They are just the best! The ocean is amazing and just so blue. Like shimmering crystals if you ask me. Well Nath, I'm going back down to the beach now with Jake and Emily, hope you have a good day!

Lots of Love Lauren,xxx

I smiled at this. She was happy. I love it when she is happy. I'm so glad she is happy. I'm defiantly going to follow her on twitter. Its a must. Just then my phone buzzed and it said I had a text from Lauren. She's finally replied to me! It read 'Sorry I didn't text back last night, I feel asleep, I'm fine, how are you?xx' I'm so glad she is alright! I worried for nothing.

'Don't worry about it, as long as you are ok! And I'm good thanks, would you like to meet up tomorrow?xx'

'I'd love to!xx' I smiled at that. I can't wait to see her. I just want to give her the biggest hug she has ever had.

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