Part five - fifth letter.

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Finally got to America! I love LA, one of my favourite places, so glad we're staying here for awhile! "I've missed this place!" I smiled as I got into the van. "Same, its good to be back!" Tom chuckled. It takes about an hour and half to get to our hotel from the airport so might as well read the next letter! I picked it up and opened up the envolope and a folded up piece of paper was folded up. I opened it up and it was a picture of Lauren, she was beautiful!

Dear Nathan,

So I put a picture of my self in here, just thought you should know what I looked like. But it is pointless really. I will probably regret putting it in there, but oh well, I'll get over it. The weather in LA is absolutely perfect today! Me and Emily kind of ditched school and went down to the beach instead. The weather was too nice to be stuck inside a building all day. At the beach we sun bathed, ran in the sea. And because we are so cool, we made sand castles! It was such a great day! Will you ever come to LA? If you did, I would defiantly come and see you. I wouldn't miss that for the world. I'd meet you, then you'd fall in love with me and we would live happily ever after! Haha, I joke. That would never happen! I don't really have that much to tell you really. But I will do my best to try and make this long as I possibly can, but if I can't, then I'm sorry. Oh and in the next few letters, expect a little gift from me and Emily! She's part of the TWfanmily too! I practically screamed when I found out that she was. Now I have a friend to stalk you guys with. Haha, that sounded creepy but you know what I mean.. well I hope you do anyway! I must go now. Emily wants me to go to the mall with her. As I said before sorry that its not as long as my other letters have been!

Love you always.

Lots of love, Lauren xxx

Wait hold up, she lives in LA?! I'm in LA for a few months, I might be able to meet her! Now that I know what she looks like, I could look for her and tell her that I read her letters, tell her that I care about her. I need to do this! "Whats got you smiling Sykes?" Jay smirked. "Oh nothing you need to know about" I smiled back at him. "If you say so!" He laughed. We got to the hotel and surprisingly there was no fans there so it was easier to get inside. We have a gig tomorrow, which I'm excited for. I wonder if Lauren will be there? Hm, who knows. I hope she is.

Laurens POV

I was sat in my room just listening to Battleground when Emily burst through my door. "Hey to you too" I laughed. "YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHO IS IN LA RIGHT NOW!!!" She shouted. "Who?" I asked. "THE WANTED!" She screamed even louder. "No way!" I squealed. "Yeah, and guess who got 2 backstage passes for there gig tomorrow!" She smiled. I gasped. "You didnt?!" "Oh but I did, Lauren, we are meeting our idols!" She squealed very excitedly. I wonder if Nathan ever read them letters I sent him last year? Wait, if he does, what if he recognises me from the picture I sent him? Oh god, stop it Lauren, don't get your self to excited incase he doesn't know who you are. "Emily, I can not believe you did that, how did you get them?!" I asked. "Well, my uncle works at the venue and he told me they were performing there tomorrow night and he gave me 2 backstage passes for it and he said we will get to meet them" She smiled. "Oh my god! You are the best!" I smiled. "Just imagine if Nathan actually read your letters and remembered you, how awesome would that be?" She grinned. "shut up, don't do this to me!" I laughed. Tomorrow will be perfect. I have a feeling it will be.

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